Intel price drop Quad core for $266


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

Just ordered a q6600 for 251,- euro's
Along a Radeon 2900xt. Had a lot of trouble with that, a GTX would have still been in my budget, but the extra 100,- just wasn't worth it.
Too bad Newegg is sold out, I would jump on this....asap. Pretty awesome.
Shame on you newegg! These last 3 weeks the prices came down to about $260. Then yesterday my RAM, PSU, and the CPU went out of stock. For some reason, Newegg decided that since it's selling like hot cakes they inflated the price by tons. I'm looking at a $345 price tag on it right now. :hmph: Probably get my pc mid-August.
pretty good deal... I'm waiting for AMD's launch this fall to see what they have to compete
Sounds like someones an AMD fan...Don't see how you can complain about a decent price drop. Always good for the customer.
Well while they're better than the X2 dual cores, it's not astounding when comparing both price drops.
are the quad cores the only ones getting a price cut?
what about the E6600 and so forth
I just got my Q6600 for 280. Newegg has them now at 375. Demand is pretty high I see.
I'll be building a new system here shortly, and a quad-core is on the shopping list.
Whoo! Shits going to be crazy affordable by the time I can upgrade (holiday season).