Intel Retail Edge


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Cool program offered to Best Buy computer employee's (and other retail stores) by Intel. Basically I complete quizzes and tests that involve Intel products (mostly processors) and after doing enough of them, I become eligible for a purchase program.

Basically they offer

Intel® Core™2 Quad Q6600 processor
Intel® Desktop Board DG33TL Media Series
Windows Vista* Home Premium Edition

At the price of $219 D:

The Mobo is meh, considering it only has one x16 PCI-E slot, but the processor alone is worth it.
I've done that in the past. Generally it's a pretty awesome deal they put out each year.
That's a sweet deal, the q6600 hovers around $280 alone and Vista OEM costs $100. Nice savings overall.
No, that's too wasteful. Sell the board to an unsuspecting dumbass.
So what would be a recommendation?
Dunno, from my experience an Intel board is usually a solid piece of equipment. Now if you plan on ocing or have more cards than a video and pci sound card, then that board wouldn't work for you. If you don't plan to oc and only have your video card and a pci sound card it looks like a good board.