Intel to beat AMD again?


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Intel's plans for the future

It would seem Intel's already working on their new microarchitecture and that it should be out in Q208. Seems Intel's taking a few lessons from AMD and getting rid of the seperate memory controller; it'll now be integrated into the CPU. Also, they're discussing integrated graphics technology, not unlike AMD's plans for their Fusion chip. Could be an interesting showdown.

I for one like the fact that Intel's been focusing on actually making good CPUs lately. I think it's a wonderful boost to the industry as a whole. It certainly makes AMD work harder, which only bodes well for us all.

How do you all feel?
I feel that AMD are doing a damn good job of things considering their relatively low wealth when compared to Intel. However, competition can only be a good thing for the end user.

Seems both companies are opening up and telling about their future products (Intel more so). Normally they would keep this stuff quiet for a lot longer.

We're all going to love these really competitive CPUs coming out. Price goes down. Performance goes up.

When AMD listed it's new features a number of them seem to be like the improvements Intel put into it's Core design. Now Intel is joining AMD with the integrated memory controller and on-board gfx. Looks like they are all going in one direction but performance/features going up pretty quickly.