Interesting HUD object in Pre E3 vid....


Jul 31, 2003
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Did anyone else notice the sittle squares and unrecognizable lettering above Gordons health in the teaser vid? (Specifically the part where he's in an aqauduct type thing and firing his pistol at unseen enemies). The squares increase as the sequences goes on, but i can't make out the words above them. I don't think it's squad orders because in other scrrens these were on the other side and didn't have squares. Does anyone know what these are, if they even areanything? (Machinima controls perhaps?)
I believe this was talked about in a preview or somwhere? but its also in the strider video where he is running.

Its Aux-illery power, used for running and possibly the flashlight, and maybe other stuff, but its sort of a sprint-bar type thing.
hmm hadnt pickled up on that....I never read about it anywhere

can a mod change the per in the title to pre?
it said (This is from the High-Res FP videos),
[] [] [] [] [] [] []

[] = Power Bars (Goes down more the longer you hold the sprint key)
thats what i heard, they have a srint key...i'm not sure if that is a good thing or not...probably shall be.
The actual ability to sprint has been shown off before in the bugbait vid (after Gordon chucks in the 2nd helping of the pheromone grens in the corridor with the sentry turrets).

Still, little things like this 'AUX power' meter make the game that much more complete :)
Doesn't that sprint bar work for the turbo boost vehicles as well?
Did you not guess that from the way the suit needed batteries and chargers in the first game Brian? :p
I always thought that that was just for the reactive armour... not necessarily for any artificial muscles...
Brian Damage said:
I always thought that that was just for the reactive armour... not necessarily for any artificial muscles...

Maybe it just runs for him or something, but drains power very quickly.

Oh, no, like I said, artificial muscles. By that I meant electrically activated myomer fibres. There was a discussion on it a while back.
I wonder if the technology for the HEV is the same for the Citadel. Nano-augmented abilities,hmm?
Brian Damage said:

Oh, no, like I said, artificial muscles. By that I meant electrically activated myomer fibres. There was a discussion on it a while back.

Yes, what I thought you said was something about the HEV suit stimulating Gordon's muscles to make him run faster, what I was thinking about (and what I didn't notice was that you were too) was the theorem of these artificial muscles that do the work.
D.e.: I reckon the Medikits and the med stations in the original game used nanotech. I think reactive armour could probably be classed as nanotech, too...

Abom: So we're on the same page, then? Right-e-o.
Health stations plug into a bit on the suit which then plugs into Gordon if you know what I mean :)
Yes. I do. Owch.

Doesn't necessarily negate the nanotech aspect, though. Health stations might be the nanobot source, and the suit might just be the delivery interface.
any other ideas on what aux power could do?

Also, when Gordon exits the house where hes fighting a combine, is that a flare he launches into the combine thats 6 inches away? He doesnt seem to light on fire.

Also, is anyone elses vid uneccessarily dark? How can i brighten it?
Aux power could be for the torch, too... and perhaps it could be used for the jump boost mod thingy? Dunno, really.

Maybe it's what powers the electroprod?
what about the !-mark in demovideo. it's in strider part, above the ammo.

(sorry for my bad english)