This guy deserves a massive amount of credit. All of the most interesting bits of the game seem to have been the result of an admirable amount of effort and thought being put in by him and his team, while the bad parts (weak ending, securom) seem to have been out of his hands. He even concedes ground on the fact that there could perhaps have been a more tangible gameplay difference between harvesting and rescuing little sisters - but tbh considering that most people harvest anyway, there would have been little point in making the other route much tougher.
Still could have done with more testing and scaleability on the PC, but whatever. Good to see a dev putting as much into a story as us geeky types like to get out of it.
lol I can't believe they asked about something so obsolete, I mean I can understand the whole ammo machine every corner. I guess the "civil war" thing was still kind of an absurd answer at least imo.
I thought the justification was ok, tbh. It can be argued that society would operate in very strange ways if you allow capitalism to be taken to its very extreme, and I think that that's one of the things which Rapture was supposed to show.
If you have a society with complete moral freedom and few trade regulations (Rapture), and then you introduce the ability to become superman (ie. Adam and plasmids), then you'd probably get people freely marketing tools for killing other people. Ammo machines might be a bit 'game'-ey, but I think that Levine genuinely believes that they're a cool, in-character thing for the game.
I personally thought that the respawn machines were the lamest and unrealistic thing in the game, but hey, even the justification for those wasn't too bad (I'll tag it even though it's a spoiler thread):
Regeneration points coded to Ryan's genetic signature, so he (and you) could survive anywhere.
But the toilets thing... I mean it's not like there's even a LACK of toilets in the game. Each section has at least one set, most with a ton of cubicles. Wtf do people want?? A ****ing labyrinth of pissers? A new section of the city, the 'Lavatory Locus'? It's obvious that there's more to Rapture than what the player sees, so just assume that there are more toilets too...! People are ****ing morons.
There's an audio diary right at Ryan's office which vaguely describes how they work. One of Suchong's I think. And I suppose I should modify the statement to 'anywhere in Rapture'.