Interesting little indie game..


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
I stumbled across at RPS

called Dyson

and available here:-

Basic premise you make plants on planets, the plants create seeds and you send these seeds to other planets to conquer them.

Quite simple and quite addictive and it possesses that 'in the moment' feel that games like flow have which make them worth playing if you have a spare half an hour ever ( :D
Pretty cool game, nice find :)

Also - I normally don't like these games, but this one is actually fun.

It's cool that I can browse the internet a bit and the game still plays, as the starting is sort of slow.

EDIT: ****ing blue won't leave me alone.

EDIT2: It's not very hard to beat, you just have to keep hammering everyone with everything you've got and have atleast 5 fully treed planets, I ended up having like 7 armies of 500 guys a piece (500 is max guys per planet), they didn't stand a chance.
It's fun, but near the end I got raped cause no one except me and purple were alive, and purple had a gigantic army that seemed to come from nowhere.
Oh definitely use a few producer planets to build up your legions and then blitzkrieg through the opposition. The thing I find interesting about it the dirty manner in which the AI attacks at times, that it seems to target your weaker planets etc. Bastids.

Anyhows it's quite enjoyable to play and the ambient loop is quite pleasant :D
He should have made it so you can only send the seedlings too an adjacent planet, so enemies can't attack your ones in the center. It's just retarded.
He should have made it so you can only send the seedlings too an adjacent planet, so enemies can't attack your ones in the center. It's just retarded.

I think it was deliberately designed that way. You think about it, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from migrating an entire colony half way around the crescent early on in the game, save the uncertainty as to what sort of resistance you may encounter, and how vulnerable you may be. If the rule is the max number you can build on a planet is 32, with a force of 50 you should be able to take any planet, but is it enough to be able to settle and maintain it whilst you build your forces up? It seems everyone starts off on an even keel, so quite a few planets early on are uninhabited and ripe for the plucking.

Anyhows I'm glad you enjoyed it, it's a worthy little game. ;)
Also, the choice of adding asteroids or making the game smaller... a massive game would have been interesting.
I made my first 4 planets have 6/6 trees, then just let them build up for a bit, then just went to planet after planet and ended up with atleast 25 6/6 planets.. They'd send like 50 guys at a time and I'd have like 300 guys defending each planet.. lol noobs. Blue was the only annoyance, as he kept sending guys through all the planets to some obscure one at the top of the map, I just wrecked everyone.
That was fun. Not very difficult, but challenging enough and satisfying.
Cool game. Dominated the opposition on my first try though. First few minutes were a bit challenging but afterwards it was easy.