Interesting Poses


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Why has it not been moved to the Garry's Mod forums.
And it must be a serious waste of forum space. Maybe you cn do something like limit it to 20 pages so when the pagecount goes to 21 the first page will be deleted, if that's possible.
It's not possible, but excellent point on it not being moved to the Garry's mod forum... We seem to have overlooked it so far. Thanks :)
MarcoPollo said:
Mod magic!
Quoted for emphasis!

If it's too annoying for anyone then just send me a PM and I'll get rid.
No no it's not just defeats the purpose of 50x50.

I want a bigger avatar damn't! :(
You're quite right, it does defeat the purpose of 50*50 and there's good reasons why we don't allow it free-for-all on the avatar dimensions (because it'd get abused) and so I'll stop setting a bad example and change it :)
The smaller the avatar limit, the more room for attachments. Which are more important.
Hell it would be great if they made it 60x60 or 75x75.

Oh and your avatar is still a little a bigger then 50x50 chris. :P
Oh, stop complaining. Everyone always wants a bigger avatar size. If it was 60x60, you'd say you wanted 70x70... and if we had that, everyone would by opting for 80x80. It's not like avatars are needed for anything other than an identity tag...

And Chris is allowed a bigger avatar because he's better than you.

better than you.

Sorry I just had to quote myself for emphasis.
It's not the size of your avatar, it's how you use it.

Sorry. I'll be quiet.
Good suggestion I would think it would save a lot of space but it would probably be a waste of time to impliment pages deleting after a certain limit. Also people would complain when their posts were erased.

Also its 13 pixels over the width limit and 650 pixels total (length times width) deal with it. However I will be the first to request 1600x1200 avatars so i can use them as wallpapers!
Hehehe, could you imagine that? Each page would take forever to load, and you would have to do all sorts of horizontal scrolling and stuff :laugh:

It would have been a fun April Fools joke to get rid of the restrictions on avatar limit for the day :P
Suicide42 said:
And Chris is allowed a bigger avatar because he's better than you.

I hope that wasn't supposed to be serious, because I lol'ed
He was joking, but it doesn't make it any less true!