Interlopers Map Battle


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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The guys over at and the Hidden-Source team have put together a little contest for your glorified map makers out there:
This is a free theme map competition. wich will last for 2 months, and the winner will have his map added as a official map to the beta 3 of the mod if the developers see it fit enough, plus a 100€ prize money via paypal donated by some of the interlopers staff.
100€, that’s about $120 I believe for us American folk. Hell, I don’t map, but 120 bucks for a little time well spent sounds like a great contest to me, not to mention it will be added to a popular HL2 mod.[br]For more details, please visit this page.
$120!!? For A whole 2 Months of Work?!!

What the crap are they trying to pull here?!
Ermac said:
$120!!? For A whole 2 Months of Work?!!

What the crap are they trying to pull here?!
The contest is open for two months, they aren't saying you need to spend 2 months working on a map.
Chris_D said:
The contest is open for two months, they aren't saying you need to spend 2 months working on a map.
Do they want a pice of crap map or what?

SixThree is right. This is more than a little time. What the hell do they think they are pulling?
I believe the Valve map contest was only about 2 months.

EDIT: It was about six weeks between the 30th November and the 15th January.
Chris_D said:
I believe the Valve map contest was only about 2 months.

EDIT: It was about six weeks between the 30th November and the 15th January.

Valve Paid $4,880 MORE For LESS time of Work!
If you don't like the prize, then dont do it. Why the hell would you complain though?
And you'd be crazy to expect some mod team to give out as much money as a large company
Ikerous said:
If you don't like the prize, then dont do it. Why the hell would you complain though?
And you'd be crazy to expect some mod team to give out as much money as a large company

^^ This BOZO is right! ^^

People listen to him, Its a Scam!
If you dont like the "prize"DONT DO IT!
DONT DO IT! Be Awar of things like this!
What the hell? A small team has been offering you this MOD, which I GUARANTEE has taken more than two months of their lives, for free. They offer to pay out of their own pockets for a map, and you flip out at them? It's not like they're forcing you to do it. Lots of people make maps all the time for no return; what the HELL is wrong with a mod team trying to give back what they can?

My god, this is the saddest thing I've ever seen. You people should be ashamed.
I am only ashamed of Ermac.

edit: And then some other people.
ok how about we force them to give us direct access to their bank accounts, first born childern, a few organs and their first home. So that way they can give us a litte more time, and we all can put in some work for a good map for them.
Man, i need to get an "I laugh at trolls." T-Shirt.
NeoNight said:
ok how about we force them to give us direct access to their bank accounts, first born childern, a few organs and their first home. So that way they can give us a litte more time, and we all can put in some work for a good map for them.

You Heard SLH, Quit Trolling around,we are trying to be serius.
Go Troll Somewere else.
Hehe, hate to bust the bubble. But the cash for the contest is coming out of the pockets of the staff, not us. I dont know if that changes things.

Personally i was against the idea because I slated Dystopia so much for doing it but anything that encourages artists to do something spectacular is well worth it imo.

And about the prize? Tbh, if you really love level design the prize money is a bonus. Winning a competition is a great way of the getting a career after all

Incidently, i would say 6 months development to get where we are now
In that case, you're horrible people and should be ashamed of yourselves.

;) Great game, btw.
This mod is very well made and this contest sound's fun. If I had any Mapping experience I would enter. Ermac, It's a 120$, Taking a little bit of time out of your day to make a map, and possibly win the contest, If I placed in 2nd or 3rd Id be happy. 120$ to me is alot.
Gusdor said:
Hehe, hate to bust the bubble. But the cash for the contest is coming out of the pockets of the staff, not us. I dont know if that changes things.

Personally i was against the idea because I slated Dystopia so much for doing it but anything that encourages artists to do something spectacular is well worth it imo.

And about the prize? Tbh, if you really love level design the prize money is a bonus. Winning a competition is a great way of the getting a career after all

Incidently, i would say 6 months development to get where we are now

Finaly someone with some sence.
I don't make maps so I don't know for sure how long it takes to make a map, but.... If you can make a nice, decent, well-though-out map in 8 hours of pure work, then... You're pretty much getting paid 15 dollars (USD) an hour...

Is that really bad? They never said that you have to spend all 2 months working on it...

Hell, I'd do it if I knew how to map...
BTW, I am willing to give someone my map (see here). That applies to someone who wishes to enter this contest.

It is in the early stages so you can still totally customize it. I am leaving on Monday next week and won't be able to do anything on the internet for two years. Once I'm gone, I won't have much contact with the "ouside world". Don't worry, I'm not going to jail (haha, just noticed it sounded like it). You don't have to reply here, email me at [email protected].

Now that I have to leave and I see a contest like this, I am a little sad. I might have faired well (given I changed my map to be more suitable for this). Oh well, I will go on to bigger and better things.
Alot of people map for FREE. I'm sure the ones that create quality maps will love this free $120 for doing what they have been doing for a while. I say it's a great idea. If I mapped, I'd hit it.
Ive already started to make my map for the contest, worked about 2-3 hours on it. If i can get atleast 2 hours a day in it, it should turn out pretty good.
Ed created highrise and traindepot (i think) in about 24 hours each i think.
Ermac, you told someone to stop trolling, follow that guidance yourself as well please mate :)
Sulkdodds said:
if onyl i wasa n experenced mapp0r :(

Me too mate!

I think it is great that they are embracing the community in this way. The maps submitted will be in the same spirit of the mod itself - the pleasure of creating something for others :)
Certainly it galls me that people are going "omgwtf 2 hours what the hell are they trying to pull?" :dozey:

Luckily competitions like these have a habit of spawning really brilliant contributions. Like, to take a perfect example, Red Orchestra. :D
Ermac said:
^^ This BOZO is right! ^^

People listen to him, Its a Scam!
If you dont like the "prize"DONT DO IT!
DONT DO IT! Be Awar of things like this!

Yeah, I heard last time that Nigerian mob took hl2 community in it's sights :naughty: :farmer:
I fail to understand wath is the problem with the competition. It is part of a regular section of in wich we do map battles based on a theme. This time we decided to give something back, and so we have a prize money and a oportunity to get your map on a famous mod. Wath's the problem with getting something in return for all your work? And if you think 100€ isn't enough.. well this money is coming out of my pocket, with a help from wiggle(interlopers staff also), so that is all we can get, if more people want to help the prize money may be bigger.
Also 2 months is the standard duration for mapping competitions, and i think it's more then enough to get decent entries.
I just want to thank you guys from hl2net for posting it in your site, much apreciated, and good luck to all those who enter it
Gusdor said:
Personally i was against the idea because I slated Dystopia so much for doing it....
Aww :(

You may slate dystopia, but dystopia <3's you! ^_^
<3 teddy

I felt it was uneccesary becasue it was so obviously an attempt to get maps / props in by way of bribery :p