Internet archeologist unearths World's First Smiley!


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score

Archeology in action!


I think it's interesting that such strange things can become history. When you think about it, it's amazing just how much history the internet has the capacity to carry. You look back through old forums, interesting stories and discussions and suddenly you realise nobody has posted on here for five years. It's a ghost website. We've now got a framework for storing information on absolutely everything ever - and what'll it be like in fifty years? If corporations and governments haven't denied us the facilities to do so we'll be able to look back, sift through the piles of old code to find out what life in the past was like perhaps in a way we've never been able to before. I guess what I'm saying is: I find it so fascinating how every little thing can be history; how the tiniest of insignifigant bits of text on a webpage lost and long-forgotten somewhere can give us a window.
How delightfully random that is :cheers:
That is rather amusing. Good show to the chap (or chapess) who found it.
This is why the internet is woth 40 bucks a month.
it makes me think of the guy who created 'the matrix' (not the brothers, but the dude in the movie who created it). These guys are talking like they are trying to invent the internet.

-Ok, so what do we do about jokes? I mean people can't see you smile, so how do they know it's not serious?
-Dude, i got it, we'll make everybody put ⌐ in front of jokes that rock and ≡ in front of jokes that suck!
-woa! that's so awesome! So it shall be done.
TheSomeone said:
This isn't new at all.

Maybe not, but it is interesting - I certainly hadn't seen it before and neither has anyone else apparently. :o
Oh. I did 4-5 years ago when our english teacher talked about internet language.

xcellerate said:
it makes me think of the guy who created 'the matrix' (not the brothers, but the dude in the movie who created it). These guys are talking like they are trying to invent the internet.

-Ok, so what do we do about jokes? I mean people can't see you smile, so how do they know it's not serious?
-Dude, i got it, we'll make everybody put ⌐ in front of jokes that rock and ≡ in front of jokes that suck!
-woa! that's so awesome! So it shall be done.
..... :p
TheSomeone said:
Oh. I did 4-5 years ago when our english teacher talked about internet language.

Damn your interesting education!

/me shakes fist
Oh yeah? Well I already posted this in a 1986 thread! :O
xcellerate said:
OmG! FrEaK OuT!!1!! Repoast! Repost! Peroast! Preopst!! Ban him! Off with his head!!!

See now were getting somewhere.
≡OmG !!! teh smiley is teh oldx0rs than me !!!1!1!1!one!1!won!
wow this is going to be in the history books
i dont care if its in the books or not i want the books to use it "and then the french lost the was, and they were all like :-("
Muffin Man said:
i dont care if its in the books or not i want the books to use it "and then the french lost the war, and they were all like ~:-("

Corrected : needed stink lines to signify Frenchness
the only thng i was shocked by, is the fact that thye have Internet archeologists roaming around the web.
Finding out stuff about us...
[/tinfoil hat]