Howdy. I'm planning to set-up my own website and unfortunately still have some aspects I dont fully understand concerning the host, along with a grammar problem. I was just wondering of someone could help illuminate some points for me. These points are:
Well, you dont have to answer every question at once if you dont want. Thanks alot for your continuing assistance
1) What exactly is PHP (I have an inkling) and what would I need to do to set it up (not detailed, just a basic "download ..." or "read this tutorial ...")
2) What is formmail script
3) What are the main differences between MySQL and Postgres
4) What is JSP/Tomcat
5) What is SSI and how is it useful
6) How is CGI - BIN Access useful
7) What is 'webmail' (I'm sorry, this question is probably exceptionally noobish)
Well, you dont have to answer every question at once if you dont want. Thanks alot for your continuing assistance