Internet Hosting Questions


Nov 8, 2003
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Howdy. I'm planning to set-up my own website and unfortunately still have some aspects I dont fully understand concerning the host, along with a grammar problem. I was just wondering of someone could help illuminate some points for me. These points are:

1) What exactly is PHP (I have an inkling) and what would I need to do to set it up (not detailed, just a basic "download ..." or "read this tutorial ...")​

2) What is formmail script​

3) What are the main differences between MySQL and Postgres​

4) What is JSP/Tomcat​

5) What is SSI and how is it useful​

6) How is CGI - BIN Access useful​

7) What is 'webmail' (I'm sorry, this question is probably exceptionally noobish)​

Well, you dont have to answer every question at once if you dont want. Thanks alot for your continuing assistance
Ill help out as I use some of these:

1) What exactly is PHP (I have an inkling) and what would I need to do to set it up (not detailed, just a basic "download ..." or "read this tutorial ...")
I believe PHP is best dispalyed with an example:
while(x < 3){echo("hi");x++;)
What this will do is simple:
When the browser asks for the site the server will basically do the mathimatics and then it would send
The people who are visiting your site never ever see your php not even when viewing the source. Basically the server will convert all the php code into html and then send it to the client.

2) What is formmail script
As in a script that sends mail?
PHP can send mail to people, a formmail script would be a script that would send mail to someone...I think thats what your asking for anyway.

3) What are the main differences between MySQL and Postgres
Not entirley sure, but I do believe Mysql is more popular. If you don't understand PHP\ASP im not sure you understand what exactly a Database is, as without PHP\ASP you can't exactly...connect and get information from them.

5) What is SSI and how is it useful
SSI is Server Side Includes. Basically..well heres an example
Lets say you have a website with "Hey how are you doing", then you can use SSI to add content from another one of your pages that says, "today".
Thus when the person see's it they will see "Hey how are you doing today".

I don't use SSI as php as a command to include pages. Include("pagehere");

6) How is CGI - BIN Access useful
CGI isn't as used as much since PHP\ASP got real big. I never really used them so I can't exactly help you.

7) What is 'webmail' (I'm sorry, this question is probably exceptionally noobish)
Sometimes a host will offer a mail service, and they allow you to check your mail with webmail. It's just basically a mail hotmail or yahoo or gmail.....

For a server, if your host does not come with PHP you will not get PHP. Simple as that. You can run PHP on your own computer. I run PHP and Mysql with Apache on my computer(easy testing).

If you need a higher level of explaining tell me, and I will really break it down for ya. Anyway, you do know HTML or XHTML and Css(though not requried)right? I write everything by hand. Webbuilders can only do HTML really. Writing things by hand makes it easier to read for you, allows you to easily add in PHP\Asp\Javascript\comments.

I have written my own Forum in PHP\Mysql, infact the forum your posting on right now is using php and mysql.