Internet/Router Problems (sorry to post another thread)


Jul 31, 2003
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Yes - sorry to post another thread but I've been having alot of problems lately and this is just another oen to be added :(.

When using the computer that's linked up via a wireless network through the router - In games (UT, Call of Duty,) all the servers have pings of 400+, and if i do manage to join my ping is 800/900 and I can barely do anything. I'm sharing a 750k connection and this is when the computer downstairs is off (so no-one down there is hogging all the bandwidth. However, when d/ling files off the net I get the proper speed - 60-80kb/s - so why doesn't it like games? A mate mentioned something to do with ports but I haven't got a clue.
bah comon I really need some help! Anyone? I can't play any game online >:(
What brand of router is it? If it's linksys, then I might be able to help you.
If you can connect I don't see an issue with Ports at all.

Wireless networking is a delayed connection. It doesn't have a big issue with speed but mostly delay. That's what Ping is, how long it took to send the data but not at what speed.

Although that is high ping even for the wireless networks I've used before.
Just a tip don't get SP2 if you intend to keep your wireless connection it always overrides mine.
dont know if this helps but, i updated battlefield 1942 using a patch. this lowered my ping from around 400 to about 30. sounds weird i know, but it's the truth.

wireless bband is anathema for any gamer. you get a higher ping no matter what you do. what service you with anyway??? if its isnt that well known then your problem probably lies there, even if you can get proper kb/s sometimes whilst not playing games.
Well, I'm using a Netgear Router and Reciever thing. When i first installed the reciever, I checked Call of Duty and UT04 - I opened up multiplayer and all the pings were fine - about 10-20 higher (so around 40-50) than downstairs but still fine. I also started to d/l Counter-Strike:Source through steam which was going at around 750kb/s (i think thats kilobits with steam). When i tried to join a server in CoD - my ping was about 900 - and from there one everything has gone shit, to be frank. In CoD, the server pings are about 500+, UT about 800+ and my CS:S now downloads at a measly 6-10kb/s. I tried the netgear website for games etc. - but I really didn't have a clue. The computer downstairs gives me pings of around 20-40 in most games, so I don't see a problem with the ISP.

EDIT: Ok now call of duty only displays 4 servers even though it says it's getting info for 3000-odd.