"Interrogate" in ApetureSci website


Space Core
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
First off, hi, I'm new

anyway, I was looking through the ApetureScience website loged in as cjohnson and typed in "Interrogate." after, in curiosity I tried "Interrogate 234" from the clipboard that is in the relaxation vault(I heard from someone on this forum that Subject #234 could be chell). Strangly, it sayed "ERROR 07: Unknown Employee" so I was thinking there is something you type in after Interrogate that would do something. hmm...
Yeah, I tried this out as well without any luck (see post). 234 was a good idea, but it seems like it might always give the "Unknown Employee" error ... has anyone else tried this?
Indeed. From what others have said and everything I've tried... it seems like the only response.
what we need is some crazy computer guy to decompile it and see if anything DOES work all, or if it's... A LIE!! :eek:
What if you login using

Password:tier3 <---Seen on a wall on one of the chambers.

and THEN typing in interrogate 234?
thats who I was logged in as when I tried it. (I'll edit my first post that says I was logged in as Cjohnson. :))

:edit: Nevermind. It seems i cant edit my first post...
what we need is some crazy computer guy to decompile it and see if anything DOES work all, or if it's... A LIE!! :eek:

Haha, I'm going to try that. I don't know if it will work though, as I'm not sure how swf files work (ie it might be encrypted or impossible to decompile or something).
good luck with that.:) I remember a few threads on other forums where they were able to decompile the website to find things... it should still be possible.
        case "INTERROGATE":
            if (_l1.length == 1)
                gladosMessage = "^^ERROR 02 [Command requires at least one parameter]";
            else if (is_cj)
                gladosMessage = "^^ERROR 07 [Unknown Employee]";
                gladosMessage = "^^ERROR 01 [Illegal attempt to initiate disciplinary action]";
            } // end if
Tadan :p
hmm... seems that they dont WANT us to interrogate anyone... what a shame... hopefully someone finds somthing and this thread isn't too old... if it is and he/she makes a new thread, then oh-well

well... im off to watch some familyguy. :E