Interview for anyone who was alive in the 1950's


May 18, 2003
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Hi, i'm doing an inteview for anyone who was of teen age in the 1950's for a project in U.S. History II. Since i'm too lazy to actually find somebody in real life and question them, i figured it would be easier if i found someone online :p. If you'd like to do this interview, PM me and i'll send you the questions. Thx in advance.
there are a couple of members of that age IIRC, but I doubt any visit often enough to be of great use.
Yeah, the forums is a bad place to find old people.

There are one or two around but they'd take offence if you asked them where they were during the war. Right, stern?
Post your questions, maybe a member who's kind enough will take it and get answers off someone they know, or someone might actually be here and post them; saving alot of time.
I wasn't alive in the 50's(Woah...but I could be :D 2050 here I come!), but my parents were...they're asleep just at the moment but I could ask them in the morning.
If they're interesting questions :p

lePobz...Stern can't hide the truth. Its well known that during the war, he was right at the front of it waving his maple leaf of peace. That is, up until his whole family was killed by Hitler. Then his maple leaf of peace, turned into a maple leaf of...destruction.

My dad was born in 1952. If you have any questions, I guess I could try my best to answer them from what he told me of his childhood.
Hello young man/woman
Im glad to say I noticed this discussion and was indeed alive during the 1950's, even though I was a young child.