Intresting Bleszinski interview.


May 27, 2004
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You know? He said that alot in the interview, you know?

Well heres the most intresting part about it i think.

GI: Do you think in the end it really matters who’s publishing it?

Bleszinski: Publishers have a lot more leverage than people like to think. You know, EA is just developing and publishing and totally kicking ass. It’s weird to be working with Midway now after working with Atari, man because growing up, you know, with these brands, you know, the Atari 2600. I have Mortal Kombat 2 in my house. I blew so much money on, like, I got my first speeding ticket barreling off to play MK3 before the arcade closed. Hardcore dork. But I think it matters because you get a publisher who will get your game in front of the users and they’ll spend the money to market it, and they’ll get it on MTV, and, you know, place the ads in the Best Buy circular. Make sure that the copies are there day one so people can get their hands on it. So you ask me if that matters? I say hell yeah. You need to have a good publishing partner, bottom line. Until stuff like Steam comes along.

GI: (laughs) You say that with a smile.

Bleszinski: I think it could be an idea that’s ahead of its time. Look at iTunes right? The music industry was panicking and suing people, and then all of the sudden Apple comes along and is like, “Yeah, you know you can do here and do it right.” It takes off and they’re all like, “S***. People are going to pay for music still? What do you mean?”
It baffles me why americans say stuff like to so constantly. I've realtives from around that part and whe nthey come to visit it bemuses me even more !

"I was like omg! And he was like omg me too! And and were all like... like omg!"

"So I was like that, you know? All over the kitchen floor, you know? It was every where, you know? Like everywhere like. Omg!"

And yes, Interesting interview. ;o