Intresting statistics... NSFW


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
A friend just sent me these google search statistics over msn.,+shit+porn&ctab=0&hl=en&geo=all&date=all&sort=0

Take note that its the bible belt that has the most searches for midget porn in the world. Germany is the only country with more searches for shit porn then midget porn and, finland, with its tiny population compared to the USA has beaten it in the amount of searches for shit porn.

Good day.
Why only include those two things? Include more to make a more interesting thread. :thumbs:

Not just about nasty stuff though.

That is a cool site though, I didn't realize google let you do that.
Your terms - nugget porn - do not have enough search volume to show graphs.

Forgot about this site. Gonna be a fun night. :|
I must now probe the undernet for midget scat porn. Brb, will report back findings later.
include furniture porn and clown porn....and clown midget furniture shit porn

I don't know what I was expecting. I am neither a fan of midget porn nor scat porn, although I've watched copious amounts of both--simply because I can, you understand, not motivated out of any sexual arousal or deviant fascination. But because they are available to me on the internet, I've watched. I have a curiousity with seeing every perversion I can.

I suppose for some reason I was thinking that combining the two would be something to behold, maybe just because it was an odd combination. Like mixing syrup with spaghetti. Another sort of uniqueness entirely, composed of two separate yet familiar elements to make something...different. I suppose I thought it'd be more interesting. I have, in the past, noted that when combined with other fetishes, midgets tend to bring something new to the table--at the very least some lols. I suppose that's what I was expecting.

Instead there was a lot of lip-pursing and a general feeling of, "Eh," with all the shoulder-shrugging connotation it carries. I'd be rather disappointed if I cared about either of those things. As is, nothing special nor intriguing in the least.

Perhaps if they threw in a dog.
Holy shit. Didn't know you could do this, gonna have some fun tonnight :naughty:
Wow, I thought for sure the 360 would be more searched for. The Wii kicked the hell out of both of them by a huge margin.

Notice the massive build up before last Christmas and this Christmas.
Are the search volumes measured in thousands, millions, what?
Are the search volumes measured in thousands, millions, what?
Thousands or millions of what? Where do you see any numbers? I think this is just comparing ratios.
Hmm, I did the same search as Evil^Milk, though they were opposite sides...and I got completely different results...
*Strokes chin*