Introducing a local Lion

  • Thread starter Thread starter SavannahLion
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Hallo, SavannahLion here. Some of you may remember me from Planet Half-Life. Yeah, sorry, I know some of you hate that site. You might want to take up your aggression with some one else. I'm already immune to all that :P

In fact, I think it was someone from here that spamed the PHLF forum with this URL. Since I remember a news announcement from yonkers ago, but never actually visited, I decided to drop by.

So um.. Let's see. I'm starting a new mod Half-Life 0.5.

I ported Nemesis' HLLib to Linux and made corresponding tools KDE GCFSlave (GCFScape) and Slatch (HLExtract).

I ran a Half-Life Wiki site about a year (or two?) before Valve ported the VERC documention to the Wiki format. If you're sadistic, you can still visit the remains.

I dabble in a lot of aspects of game creation, the closest I ever made to a public release was a 2D above view do-it-yourself RPG game where I created custom dev tools to supplement the weak in-house dev tools for the game. Too bad, that stuff never say daylight since the game was sold to a private developer and all work stopped :( Oh well, life sucks balls.

Let's see um... That's about it I guess.....

heya :D
well...i don't have anything personal against Planethalflife is a bit slow for my liking though :P

anyway hope you like this place and make it a permanent home :thumbs:
Well, at least you don't come from hl2w*rld. [censorship]

Welcome! :D
You remind me of that Erasure song.

Not that I listen to Erasure. >_>

Aye, hullo!
15357 said:
Well, at least you don't come from hl2w*rld. [censorship]

Sulkdodds said:
Well quit lion around and do something.

Well, I am headed over there after a bit. Just lurking around since I know some of them have a seething hatred for PHL and I have my own reserved opinions about them. However it is my goal to spread good will and cheer amongst....


What da ya mean that's not my job?!


Whose job is it then?


Santa Claus! That fat bastard?

(My apologies to those who still believe in Santa :thumbs: )