Inventing a Hacker Tracker


Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Say you're playing CS and there is a hacker that gets caught and vote banned, and then starts rejoining the server under different names.

Could a program be written where you can add steam ID's of people whom you don't want to play with? Here is my vision of how it should be.

You find the hacker, get the steam ID, enter it into the program, and then their name is highlighted in the score menu. Every time you enter a server, and periodically, the program checks the steam ID's and then highlights the player's name on the scoreboard for you.

That way, if you see a hacker that you have come across before you can avoid them by going to another server.

Any takers?
Chances are you'd be banned for having an app like that running during the game :LOL: :LOL:

Kind of pointless really, though. I mean first off, for just one hacker (who aren't very common in Source, let alone be caught) to be added you have to go through the work of getting the ID, alt tabbing or exiting the game just to put it in, and all that does for you is highlight the persons name if you ever see him again, which is a very miniscule chance?

Seems like it's not worth it in the least. Maybe if the list was global, and shared with other people who have the program... But then people could abuse it, and it would suck.

So honestly, there's really no point.
No point. If they are hacking and you can't beat them just leave.
You could get banned for such a thing?

Maybe have it connect to your friends whom you trust intead of globally.

Personally, I've had nights where the same hacker follows me around. Well they're not following me, I think they just live near me and choose the servers with good pings like I do.

I figured that such a thing could be like a mod. I have no idea what the limitations are of mods, but I was thinking that you could just type the steam ID with a command in the console and then it would check for that id automatically after that.

You could also mark noobs and retards like that. Hell, mark them if they are too good and you don't feel like playing against them. It would only be for personal use.
VAC bans only on modified DLL's and .exe's. You could have a program that waits until a phrase beginning with STEAM_ is copied into the clipboard, then adds it automatically to a list. That'd work. No idea how you could get it ingame though, because it does require modding something. Unless of course you have a "check mode" on keyboard shortcut, which runs a Macro of:
"Open console -> type status -> look at all STEAM_ values and show a notification message if there is a match between the list and the console."
So really you'd only be able to do it when you're dead, but still.
erm...most servers do this anyway, its been a system on 1.6 since the beginning of time. On the servers i admin, banned users are banned by their steam_id and added to a long list. It is checked each time a player connects, if there is a match up the person is dropped. It's the same way steam_bans works. If source doesn't have this support (i'd be very surprised), it must be in the works.