Invert Y!

Invert Y?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 34 77.3%

  • Total voters


Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
Who inverts the Y-axis in games? Be it control pad or mouse OR joystick.

I do. I can't play a game without it. Yet on the other hand, my mate, who's a bigger (and much better) gamer than I, hates inverted Y controls.

His constant whinge is that it's "freakishly unnatural" to use inverted.

I'm curious, I can't be the only weirdo out there.
Yes inverted all the way. I say, imagen the mouse was the top of someones head and you having your hand sitting on top. If you push your hand forwards which way do you look.... down, it makes sense.

Not inverted is backwards.
When flying then pulling the mouse back should always lift the plane up and pushing it forward should make the plane dip down. This is obvious because it is how planes work really.

But in an FPS? Nah, gotta be normal
Invert Y actually has an advantage in FPS games. Most of the time, enemies (if not right in front of you) will be somewhere above. Moving the mouse down with good precision is easier than moving the mouse up.
Moving the mouse up to look up and moving the mouse down to look down makes sense to me, I couldn't grasp doing it backwards.
I can't play without inversion. X inversion is horrible, though.
Mostly no. Depends, though. For first person games or third person games where you actually aim with a crosshair, I always go without inversion. Up=up, left=left, etc. But if it's something like Final Fantasy XII with a free camera but no aiming, I actually find it more comfortable if both are in reverse. Since I'm not actually aiming, it's easily to think of it as though I'm moving the camera itself. So pressing right would mean the view would face left, but the "camera" itself would be shifting around to the right. Or something.

Oh, one more exception: down=up for flight. **** you Battlefield, stop making me crash into the sea.
For flying, yeah it's natural. But for FPSing, hell no. If you invert Y you might as well invert the X-axis too.
Yes inverted all the way. I say, imagen the mouse was the top of someones head and you having your hand sitting on top. If you push your hand forwards which way do you look.... down, it makes sense.

Not inverted is backwards.

That works for your head but not for an input system that represents movement on a 2d surface. Example pick up your mouse and face the bottom towards your monitor, moving your mouse up (forward) logically moves your cursor upward.

Invert Y actually has an advantage in FPS games. Most of the time, enemies (if not right in front of you) will be somewhere above. Moving the mouse down with good precision is easier than moving the mouse up.

Recoil much? If pulling down is indeed easier as you say it's easier to control your recoil/spray with the normal controls.
I can use either,

Preference is none invert for mouse, invert for most console fps, none for GoW.
Invert Y actually has an advantage in FPS games. Most of the time, enemies (if not right in front of you) will be somewhere above. Moving the mouse down with good precision is easier than moving the mouse up.

haha, what?
For FPS's on consoles its inverted, same with flight sim games. A big no no with PC FPS's though.
Recoil much? If pulling down is indeed easier as you say it's easier to control your recoil/spray with the normal controls.

Perhaps, but those are such small movements that it won't make that much of a difference.
I only use invert on the PS2. I don't understand why I don't on the PC.
In a console FPS, either is fine. In anything to do with flying, inverted. For everything else, normal.
Inverted with pads, not with a mouse.
Never tried inverted with a mouse before, and I canneh really see the logic in doing it. When it comes to analogue sticks though, inverted is the way to go. Basically just a miniature joystick really.
I play normal with mouse. But because of good old goldeneye I play inverted Y on consoles, can't play any differently.
I do. I can't play a game without it. Yet on the other hand, my mate, who's a bigger (and much better) gamer than I, hates inverted Y controls.

That's why he's better at the games you both play.
I use inverted Y for flight sims, shooters, and other FPS/TPS games, etc.. Anything with a cursor (RTS, standard RPG games, etc.), are non-inverted.

There's no advantage to using (and being used to) inverted Y or non-inverted in a shooter.
Non-inverted pretty much all the way. I even fly in BF2 with the non-inverted cause I got used to flying that way and can't switch back.

If you invert in FPS' for aiming, you're a freak. :p
I could only do it on flying....anything else hurts my head.
It depends in what situation

Practially most games, I keep mouse settings to their default

Its only in flight sims that I would invert it