Invisible Name


Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
I see some players without names playing so I ask one of them how did you do that and he said its a command.
He did not tell me what is it so could anyone tell me what should I write in console to make my name invisible

hold down alt then press 0160 on your number pad and then release the alt key
i dont really see the point in having a blank name but whatever floats ur boat
The people who have a blank name end up being abused and called "no-names". I'd prefer to make a name than be called a "no-name" :p
people who are un-named look better on first eyesight than player (2) X_X
still bit annoying though ..
Don't think you can't get kicked because they can't type your name, though, because they kick via id not name.
hmmm has this no-name thing just started? I havent played CS:S in awhile and back then I never saw anybody without names.