IPs of TF2 servers running tonight's update?


Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
I wanna play, but I can't find any servers that I can join because I updated and none of the servers have yet. Anyone else have any luck? Please post some IPs if you have!
My TF2 says "100% - Ready" and I can find 1141 servers just fine :S
wtf update?! D:

*opens up TF2..*

OK, I can't remember specifically who it was, but the bet about the sentries in the beams above the last cap point on well...I won :D
OK, I can't remember specifically who it was, but the bet about the sentries in the beams above the last cap point on well...I won :D

So Valve got around to shoving a clip brush there to stop people doing that or what?
No, not at all. Someone bet me that if they don't fix that in the next patch, then he will stop complaining about it. But there is nothing in the fix log about it, and nobody has said it isn't possible. I figure they could just make the polls up there just a little taller...