IQ Test From An Ad...


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I saw this ad, so I figured "Meh, I'll click it.." and it turns out my IQ is 111 (Is that low/high?)

Linktastic Link!

I forget what it said about me, but it said I was a Progress something, bah I can't remember, but it said I solve questions quickly and use maths to solve them quickly and efficiantly... so... ya....
An efficient IQ test takes usually more than one hour to complete and is profit-making.
Omg..... I actually thought this was for real! I started bragging all over the place because I took an IQ test from an ad off the web!


I know it's not real, it's for fun! :)
Dog-- said:
Omg..... I actually thought this was for real! I started bragging all over the place because I took an IQ test from an ad of the web!


I know it's not real, it's for fun! :)

It's not fun. It's long, boring and empty of happiness.
There's this awesome show called Test The Nation on here, once a year or every few years I think. It's an IQ test made into sorta like a TV gameshow, except (as the title suggests) anyone can take part from home. There's an answer card included with the TV Guide on the week it's on, and you send em in via mail or the website and they get tallied, and the results are broadcast so you can say that you belong to a certain quota of New Zealand (I think I got high average or low above average, somewhere round 110). Goes for an hour or two and it's really quite fun :D

Oh yeah, and the studio audience is cool too. They split them into about 5 sections and keep track of their answers during the show, and they always belong to stereotypes like blondes and brain surgeons and such. Oh, and there's a small selection of NZ celebrities up front putting their smarts on the line (they did miserably last time, from memory :P). Cool stuff.

Sorry, went on a slight tangent there.