IQ tests is the biggest scam of the modern western civilization!


Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Just wanted to tell you that these iq tests are really stupid things! They cannot possibly tell how smart is a person!

Give them to a native african or an inuit, you'll see what i mean! Or even better give them to a blind and deaf person if you will! No, i don't have a low IQ, but i just wanted to tell how stupid it is!

I have a book called "Raise your IQ",most people would say you can't alter your IQ, but think about it! if a book told you all the tricks used in the IQ tests then you would be very intelligent based on those standards, even though you're a dumbass!

I guess most people here have a "high enough IQ" ;) to already know that IQ is stupid, but just wanted to point out the problem!

edit: how can you make a poll after posting? :)
I always thought IQ was your capacity to learn, not necessarily how smart you are.
jverne said:
Give them to a native african or an inuit, you'll see what i mean! Or even better give them to a blind and deaf person if you will!
Intelligence Quotient

think what you will

An inuit wouldn't know what "1" or "2" or "3" means! a blind and def person might be the smartest person in the world but he couldn't understand anything! i'm trying to say that IQ tests are biased!
So, did you get a low IQ? Its cool; I don't think any less of you.
Your just mad because you took it and got a 42iq right? Let me put this in terms you can understand: You not be mad,sum peplz juz not that smartyer tan oders. U still get god job at gaz stazion, or as AOL tek suppert.

J/K sorry,I had to do it :)
Of course there is no one thing that can difinitivly measure your intellegence, IQ tests are designed to be a rough guide.
jverne said:
IQ tests are the biggest scam of the modern western civilization!
Just wanted to tell you that these iq tests are really stupid things! They cannot possibly tell how smart a person is!


The whole idea does seem a bit silly to assign some arbitrary number that is supposed to define someones capacity for intelligent thought. Also many people say that the test is biased towards white males, and it probably is. Regardless it doesn't really matter, I've never been asked for my IQ in any way. I don't even know what it is, don't really care either.
IQ tests are designed with cultural bias. they don't give them to inuits. YOU know what numbers are, yes? so it's a mostly accurate judge.

however, INTERNET iq tests are bullshit. I've taken probably a dozen of them and gotten scores from 135-185, and I am NOT more than 145 at most. I'm smart, but not a genius.
jverne I agree with you totally. Some African tribes wouldn't even know what an IQ test is, let alone ever get to do one. But they're very intelligent people (depends how you look on intelligent as) and much more creative than the usual person.
from the test i took almost 8 years ago i scored 118 of 140 (100 is average) which isn't to high, i'd like to take it again but if you arent relaxed while answerind it doesn't help!

according to this scale:

IQ Description % of Population

130+ Very superior 2.2%
120-129 Superior 6.7%
110-119 High average 16.1%
90-109 Average 50%
80-89 Low average 16.1%
70-79 Borderline 6.7%
Below 70 Extremely low 2.2%

thing is i knew my iq before taking any test, i'm smarter than average but not a genious i still need time to think! the other thing is that there are so many intelligences not known to man that makes IQ very subjective!
Of 140? What IQ test you takin'? Mine went up to 200.
aaw! look at him trying to use his statistics and big words like "subjective" and "think" to make himself sound smart,how cute.
J/k again. In my opinion: I think your worrying about it to much
An IQ test merely tests your ability to take IQ tests.
A high IQ is something to streinghten the ego of people with small penises.
I have taken 1 IQ test in my life. Returned with and IQ of 127. Also there is never going to be someone capable of scoring 200 on a real IQ test. Real IQ tests are set so that 100 is the average.

I also totally agree with you jverne, IQ tests can only limit people. They cannot tell how "intelligent" someone truly is. Not only that but many of the questions they ask do not even have a right answer, what will give you the highest score is the answer that someone else who has a high IQ gave.
But what if they have a high IQ and a big penis?

Pi Mu Rho said:
An IQ test merely tests your ability to take IQ tests.

hehe...that sounds logical

edit: even the scales are for each IQ test diffrent!
Steve said:
But what if they have a high IQ and a big penis?


That is impossible.And iff it where to happen,the world would implode.
Pi Mu Rho said:
An IQ test merely tests your ability to take IQ tests.

that pretty much sums it up

i'm always quite annoyed with IQ tests. they are really way too simple, in a way, to work with the human mind. there's just way too many factors and multifaceted ways of thinking etc.
OvA said:

Dammit everytime i see your avatar i want to _ _ _ _ ( 4 letters)

So, I may not really be stupid? Oh hallehlujiahflujah!

Wait, no, all my D's in school tell me yes :(
smoke said:
Dammit everytime i see your avatar i want to _ _ _ _ ( 4 letters)


donate to a charity of your choice?
jverne said:
Just wanted to tell you that these iq tests are really stupid things! They cannot possibly tell how smart is a person!

I once took an internet IQ test and became bored halfway through.
I got a 125 with random answers. :|
How is it the biggest scam? It's not like any jobs require you to take an IQ test or something. In fact I don't really know a lot of people who have taken a real one besides the internet quickies.
Iq tests were designed to measure the development of children...
Of course IQ tests are useless
I was discussing this with a friend of mine, who happens to be a psychologist. The truth is, there's a great deal of valuable information to be taken from tests like these. HOWEVER, the numerical score itself is worth jack shit. It's the analysis- what questions you answered easily, the patterns of learning and answering, that sort of thing- that's so important.
smoke said:
Dammit everytime i see your avatar i want to _ _ _ _ ( 4 letters)




it's also retarded because it's based on age

so for example if you scored the same as you did a year ago, your IQ goes down.
I once took 2 IQ test (mandatory, for some reason :/) with a 100 for average, and I got 140 and 156 on them.

I'd be sad if they were a scam. :p
Codcommando said:
That is impossible.And iff it where to happen,the world would implode.
*looks down, then looks at results*
The world is defenatly safe from me :monkee:
Hazar said:
it's also retarded because it's based on age

so for example if you scored the same as you did a year ago, your IQ goes down.

Ah, so that's where Alzheimer's comes from.
Most IQ tests are so freakin' easy, it's not even funny anymore...

A lot of those online IQ tests are just scams to get your personal information so they can sell it to a third party.
What makes Africans and Inuits less intelligent than you?