Iraqi's blog


May 24, 2003
Reaction score

I just read a blog by Iraqi, and you know, he has a very positive view on life, despite his living situation. I guess it makes me guilty, when I whine about some stupid little problems I have in life. Plus it is nice change to read about something positive, these days media only shows the bad side of things.
HOLY CRAP! I watch the news, read the paper, and read news articles on the internet everyday, but this is the first time I have actually seen someone from Iraq who is not completely against the US, and who actually seems to be optimistic for the future.

That is a great find Mr.Reak. :thumbs:
pretty cool, i was reading a link on that page about a marine over in iraq.
this cant be smells too fishy

come on what Iraqi would say this?:

"My arrival day was the day when a rally of support and gratitude to the coalition passed the streets of Samawa. The scene was very delightful for me, I, who believe in the necessity of establishing a strategic partnership with the free world represented by the coalition, because this the only way for Iraq to rise again, prosper and join the modern, free world. Such partnership, the way I see it, is vital for the free world in its war with terrorism, the corner stone of which is to establish peace and stability in the ME. "

and this:

"In one of the meetings I asked them about their opinion about the government and the president they would like to have in the future, here, a man said “ I’d prefer a Christian president”"

and this:

"The media have managed to create some distrust and hate between some Iraqis and some of the coalition and the west in general. Well, not in my city, it seems to be immune to their poison."

another thing that made me a bit suspicious as tot he validity of this blog: every single link to an article that backs up the decidely pro-coalition writers is a western one...the christian monitor, foxnews, bbc etc...all extremely supportive of the war
Well, I don't really know, I don't have any facts to back this up, so don't look at me. But I guess I am just so tired of being pessimistic, hate, etc. Do you think humans really can survive without being positive? I think we would go mad or something.
The Mullinator said:
HOLY CRAP! I watch the news, read the paper, and read news articles on the internet everyday, but this is the first time I have actually seen someone from Iraq who is not completely against the US, and who actually seems to be optimistic for the future.

That is a great find Mr.Reak. :thumbs:

There are more but the news finds the negative views more interesting. Kind like how there is little or no good news on the news.
kind of hard to find an upbeat story when their country is in ruins.
You know, it is possible for an Iraqi to hold views other than the ones we think they have.
Direwolf said:
You know, it is possible for an Iraqi to hold views other than the ones we think they have.
Of course not, after all if the media says it then it must be true. :x
thats really nice to hear some people can still keep their heads together, yeh.. nice find Mr Reak
Don't worry, this is not fake. I know quite a few idiots like this guy who supports his enemy against his people.

Or well, let me say there are still iraqis who support the coalition. Who do you think is filling the governing council?
hasan said:
Don't worry, this is not fake. I know quite a few idiots like this guy who supports his enemy against his people.

Or well, let me say there are still iraqis who support the coalition. Who do you think is filling the governing council?
I know a few idiots too, you being one of them.
I have to second that, if only because these issues aren't black and white and to pretend they are is a dangerous thing.
In case none of you read it. Heres the part I thought had the most meaning.
My young cousin is a religious Sunni who goes to the mosque and listens to the cleric there every Friday and believes whatever he says, as he’s still young. My uncle always teased his son about this but never prohibited him from doing that. We were talking about different stuff; the kids’ needs, clerics, Americans and the increase in the average income of most Iraqis. My uncle has a somewhat unusual sense of humor that doesn't fit quite well in his somewhat religious family. He winked at me and turned to his son and asked him "What do you think of the Americans?" His son answered, "They are occupiers". "So you think we should fight them?" his father asked. Ibrahim said "No, but I don’t like them". My uncle said, pretending to change the subject "Do you like your new computer that no one shares with you?" "Yes of course dad". "Ok, are you satisfied with the satellite dish receiver we have or do you need a better one?" "This one is fine but I heard there’s a better one that gets more channels" "ok I’ll get you that next week". Then he said, "Is there anything else you’d like to have son?" "No dad I have all that I need". "Ok but how about a car?" Ibrahim was astounded and said "Really? a..a CAR.. for me!?". "Of course for you! I’m too old to drive now and my eyes are not that well and you are the older son. So whom else would it be for!?" "Oh, dad that will be great! When will that happen?" "Just finish your exams and you’ll have it". "I will dad". "Are you happy now son?" "Yes dad, sure I am!" "Then why do you hate the Americans you son of a b***h!? I couldn’t get you a bicycle a year ago, I could hardly feed you and your brothers and sisters. You didn’t know what an apple or a banana tasted like, I couldn’t buy you a damned Pepsi bottle except in occasions, and now you can have all that you wish, and a car of your own! Who do you think made that possible!?" My cousin’s face turned red and didn’t answer as we laughed and I said "What do you think Ibrahim?" He said, "Well it’s true but it’s our money. They are not giving us a charity" and I said "Of course it’s our money, so let’s forget the Billions of dollars they are giving to rebuild Iraq and the efforts they are making to cut down our debts and lets talk about our money. Why didn’t your father, I, my brothers and all the Iraqis have anything worth mentioning before the Americans came?" He said, "Because Saddam used it to buy weapons and build palaces". "There you have it Ibrahim, but Americans are not touching our money. Can you tell me who’s better; the ‘occupiers’ who are helping us or the ‘patriot’ who did all that you know to us?" He said in a faint voice "They are better than Saddam but still they are not Muslims". "So do you want them to be Muslims?" "I wish they were." "Will you fight them to that?" he said, "No, of course not. I don’t like fighting." We didn’t want to pressure and embarrass him further and didn’t go further, as he’s still young but he’s smart and good-natured and will get it soon.
now i know it's bullshite...what a complete load....incomes have gone up? wtf thats complete bull
Where is you omnipotence coming from CptStern?

Tone down the language as well...remember this is a gaming site where anyone of any age can visit.
sabre .. rofl dude, I bet you find that inspiring.

But too bad, It's just pure nonsense.
Any idea where this guy is?
If hes in northern Iraq any of that is certainly possible, but I can't claim to know everything about whats going on in the country.
He's probably in the south. His attitude is one of a supporter of some psedu-religious party (hard to translate the party's name, it's something along the lines of "The council of Islamic Revolution"). The party has few seats in the governing council, maybe they have the largest share of it, I am not sure though.
sorry, I get carried away sometimes.

in truth I have no real proof's all too one sided. Every link on that site is overwhemlingly suportive of the war

a sample of some of the propaga..errr statements made in some of the blogs:

"Few bad soldiers did what they did at Abu Grebe prison and the whole world gets bend out of shape about humanity"

"It is the duty of every Iraqi living inside Iraq to start the trend of telling on the insurgency, where they hide, what are they doing, and what are they going to do."

"The news coming out Najef is the US Marines are fighting the Mahdi Army. This could be dangerous if it continues and if it gets messy like the fight in Falluja, a lot of inocent people can be killed for no reason. We saw that happen in Falluja and it was done carefully by the insurgents. I believe those fighters have succeeded in changing the views of the Iraqis about the American Army and all the good deed they have done."

"I have heard many stories about the behavior of American solders that I did not believe. I did not believe them because many people are continuously spreading all kinds of rumors just to increase hatred against the Americans."

look at this idealic scene: Softy With Children.jpg

it's all just way too one sided....I couldnt find one critical statement, not one link to an opposing view in any of the blogs ....and I spent about an hour searching
Too one sided? No, this is the other side of the war that people keep on down playing in their doom stories.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Too one sided? No, this is the other side of the war that people keep on down playing in their doom stories.

yes but the blogs are from iraqi's ...I'd expect at least one that was critical of the occupation
I bet CptStern's homepage is

AKA too liberal to accept anyone else's possible viewpoint. There are probably many more people like him (the writer) in Iraq, but you dont hear about them because the media, as mentioned, is one monster pessimist. Nobody likes to hear the good news according to them. From reports that I have heard, Americans are actually liked in many regions across the country, you just never hear about it because of isolated pockets of resistance. Who can blame them after seeing upwards of 2million of their fellow countrymen slaughtered by Hussein? Well stern can I guess...
Farrowlesparrow said:
Too one sided? No, this is the other side of the war that people keep on down playing in their doom stories.
i bet the father works for(or through) one of the contractors that have gone to iraq to try and rebuild some of the infrastructure and such. it would definitely make sense for all this new cashflow.

edit: yeah, sorry, i wanna hereby apologize for that iraqi for sounding the optimist. everyone knows that every iraqi hates americans. just like everyone knows that all palestinians and israelis are at odds, and all the palestinians are refugees or some other bull.
(i was being sarcastic.)

while attending the university of nebraska, i met many palestinians and arabs who have a different outlook on life than what the media wants you to believe of those peoples. they were loving, kind, happy people. i asked my palestinian friend what he thought of all the turmoil between the israelis and palestinians. he said, "it's mostly the poor uneducated palestinians who cannot accept the jews living next to us that are causing all the problems. most palestinians are nothing like this. we all [isrealis and palestinians] get along just fine, except for the militants."

this method of thought seemed to be a common thread through all of my arabic friends.

so. yes, all iraqis hate americans, and are the most pessimistic group of people anywhere, i agree. *sarcasm*
Too one sided? No, this is the other side of the war that people keep on down playing in their doom stories

naw I dont think its down played unless you think that its a happy story, rather than a doom story,.
but you know the media are selective of what they feel wont ruin there governments confidence in them, but governements control media mostley in America,and the media and goverment of late are making it clear that their the only people who seem to think that they alone only matter. and if anything, they would want to 'down play' the more violent situations.
CptStern said:
yes but the blogs are from iraqi's ...I'd expect at least one that was critical of the occupation
one common thread throughout human nature is that any time you expect or assume anything about a person/group, you're likely to be dissappointed because the opposite outcome is never to be ruled out. i'm not saying you don't have a valid point, which you do, i'm just saying... never expect anything, never assume anything, and you'll not be dissappointed by the outcome. :cheers:
clarky003 said:
naw I dont think its down played unless you think that its a happy story, rather than a doom story,.
but you know the media are selective of what they feel wont ruin there governments confidence in them, but governements control media mostley in America, and if anything, they would want to 'down play' the more violent situations.

Thats interesting...

Although i will admit that at times the government "Plays its hand" with the media, the different media groups generally play to their own agenda. Some of them seem to support the government where as others downright slander them.

Not directed at you now clarky.

The media always puts an edge on things though because ultimately they want to be on top. Everyone who does anything with the media puts their slant on it. Pictures dont lie? No, but the person taking them can...they can not photograph certain things, editors can choose to print what suits the story they want written. Its all rubbish and you ahve to be very careful what you listen to.
yes I agree you do, ;) so the real fact is, we really dont know the full picture of what exactley is going on,. and what does that tell me... ?

..... this world is @&$#ed up and the people we have to turn to , to 'trust'.. 'our governments' are so back handed that there screwing with our minds and filling it full of so much information that we get confused..

which is what I would do if i didnt want people to be clear on any kind of other intensions or plans I would have so people who didnt like it very much would have a quieter voice in the crowd.. basically Bush is trying to create a divide.. using patriotic acts as a solution and the rest of the world are left dangling by a big question mark above their heads, just to add to the confusion.
I still dont believe it's real....last week i listened to an interview with an iraqi contractor who was paid the equivelant of $4 a day for the most dangerous job in iraq: security. He said it was a starvation wage but it was higher paid than any other job....this man was formerly an engineer in saddam's time and lived quite well
So stern is saying Saddam should go back in power. Wonderful. I mean he isnt that bad of a guy right? Obviously the guy was getting paid better!
Salam Pax's blog <--- here's another iraqi blog.

This guys was recently interviewed on Australian television with regards to this blog (I'm pretty sure this is the right page).
leadfish said:
Salam Pax's blog <--- here's another iraqi blog.

This guys was recently interviewed on Australian television with regards to this blog (I'm pretty sure this is the right page).

ya this guy's the real deal; even he rides boths sides of the occupation issue:

"What annoyed me most in the whole build up to the war was the act the US administration put on, the way they seemed almost surprised at how much of a baddy Saddam has been and how it was time to slap him on the hand and wash his mouth with soap for all the bad things he has done........What the US administration didn’t put in those records and documents was the extent of its own involvement in building up this monster ...."
seinfeldrules said:
So stern is saying Saddam should go back in power. Wonderful. I mean he isnt that bad of a guy right? Obviously the guy was getting paid better!

what an idiotic conclusion to jump to, where do I say/imply this?
I still dont believe it's real....
Here is the deal, hop on paltalk (it's full of spyware so be careful ..) and double click the middle east category. You will find three Iraqi rooms, two of them are like that guy. The other one is like .. well, like me :P
This doesn't mean however that the supporters of Americans are more than supporters of the resistance, it just shows that they are more active.

btw, on these rooms, you will see alot idiots flooding the rooms with stuff like "I Love Bush". I'm sure many ppl here will have fun there, lol.

the pro resistance room is called "freedom or occupation", if you support the war then beaware, put on a flamesuit before you get in there :D

and again, be aware of spyware!
Something to consider in all of this is that an Iraqi with internet access is likely an Iraqi doing well for themself.