Iron Grip Concept Art And Story


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
The Iron Grip mod has released 3 new art pieces as seen below and two new instalments of Iron Grip
stories - written by resident author Tom Goodfellow. These two chapters continue the saga of The Sedelas Serpent. You can read them here.[br]

Love the Art!
Especially the Gladiatorish Tusken Raider guy on the first pic.
That's the thing about Iron Grip though.It's all about the art and eye candy.
It lacks in game play and it's horribly bugged.
So much time spent on a painting... and then some jerk spells "Confederate" wrong.
It lacks in game play and it's horribly bugged.

It doesn't lack in gameplay at all it's a brilliant idea.
Just people like you tend to forget it's a mod and expected a full retail product, lets see what you've made then eh?
It doesn't lack in gameplay at all it's a brilliant idea.
Just people like you tend to forget it's a mod and expected a full retail product, lets see what you've made then eh?

It's absolutely within his right to criticize!
Just people like you tend to forget it's a mod and expected a full retail product, lets see what you've made then eh?

And people like you tend to forget that criticizing somebody else's work isn't a crime.
We don't have to make mods to be able to give our own personal opinion on other people's mods.

In saying that, I partly disagree on the statement that this mod has mediocre gameplay, it's fun when it's not lagging from the awful netcode, nearly every server that I played with the mod on them had pings in 150s+.
But that could be a problem on the Source engine's end.