Iron Grip Media Release!



Hey, I?m Babuzaa from Isotx?s public relations team and I?m here to bring fresh news and juicy shots for you!

Here?s one, made by our amazing new concept artist Keith Thompson! The awesome H-800 Pilum, a shoulder-fired recoilless rifle with armour piercing capabilities. Rahmos? tanks fear this weapon that spits sharp harpoon-like rounds.

Click for full view.

You can find more of Keith?s spectacular designs at

In other news version 1.3 of Iron Grip is just around the corner, expect to hear more about this from us in the near future. Meanwhile, here is something for you to chew on while waiting; Marossar, ready to heat things up with his beloved tool, the flamethrower. Use this deadly new weapon to fry your opponents!

Click for full view.

AwesomePossum has also been working on a new map, Dynadares, which is looking quite handsome at the moment. Here?s a shot to give you a feel of what the map will look like.

Click for full view.

Can?t get enough? There?s more, just head on over to and don?t forget to vote for us at!