Iron Man trailer + HULKS new look.

Robert Downey Jr. has Tony Stark down perfectly. I dislike Iron Man, but the movie looks like it'll be pretty good. I like the suit's look as well.

Hulk looks great. I've yet to watch the first Hulk movie, but I heard it was ass anyway, so I'll reserve judgement on that one until I see some footage.

With Iron Man and Hulk becoming movie franchises, Punisher, Ghost Rider, X-Men and Spider-Man already franchies, some day they better put them all together and do World War Hulk.
I have high hopes for Iron Man. Downey was a perfect choice too, considering his own personal history.
They both look meh. It's a giant walking Iron Man with gattling guns, flamethrowers, etc for arms. :upstare: RAWWWWR! The Hulk was absolutely terrible. It compares with the Punisher and the worst film is Jason X. Still though welders are awesome so I give it that.
They both look meh. It's a giant walking Iron Man with gattling guns, flamethrowers, etc for arms. :upstare: RAWWWWR! The Hulk was absolutely terrible. It compares with the Punisher and the worst film is Jason X. Still though welders are awesome so I give it that.

I remember when people were complaining about Sunshine how it would be "another disaster flick" or something along those lines. I've been hearing nothing but good things about it, so wait 'till the movie is out k?
I remember the first hulk was awful. D:

I first heard it was supposed to be a reboot but it seems they've changed it now. (too confusing for the kiddies eh? wondering why they're watching the first one again (although it shows you how bad the first one was if they considered a reboot after 1 film))

I'm also wondering how that hulk look will fit with edward norton exactly. They don't really look alike.

Iron man I have high hopes for though.
Ah darn they took down the movie. So it's a series reboot of the Hilk huh? Well if so then that's good because the new one looks more real. Iron Man though I really don't see the appeal. Trailer was good though.

Here's another hulk preview... D:
Huh, I don't actually see the Ironman trailer anywhere...are they pulling it?