Is a 7800 gt on a 350w psu safe?


Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
So I read that the recommended psu wattage for a 7800 gt is 350w and i'm wondering if this is just the 'recommended', or absolute minimum. I'm considering getting the upgrade when the card starts going for around 200-250, but i really don't want to have to throw down for another power supply.

Right now i've got a P4 3.0ghz, 1 gig of pc3200 ram (4 sticks of 256), an 160g ATA hard drive, a dvd-rw and 52x cd drive. I have an overclocked x700 pro as well.

Now are these components too demanding on my current psu to be adding a 7800gt to the mix? I felt the power supply a few minutes ago and it was pretty warm, though not quite hot.
I think your system will run, but also think you may actually see a visible performance gain with a stronger power supply.
Hmm its a tricky one. I'd say that you could stick with your 350w or if you had the money get a decent 400w one if you can include it in your budget. See what others say, but you may need something with alittle more power with those componants, but its hard to judge.
i think it depends more on how much power your 12 volt rails have u need like at least 24 or 28 amps i think
350 watt is bare minimum for a 7800 gt. But i think since your processor isnt too demanding you should be alright, it would, however, work alot better with a psu >400
there's some calculator somewhere that you can select all your systems parts and it calculates how much power your system uses, 350 would do it probably but a bit more power wouldnt hurt
7800's don't use any extra power over a 6800GT or X800 card really which is nice. =p
It uses less power than a 6800 ultra.
Heh, after using that calculator, I guess over-did it with my 500w PSU when it says I need 288w PSU.
