I mean, christ, look at all this stuff coming out! I have a 360, why the **** am I not pumped up for Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed? I'm getting a Wii eventually, I should be ogling trailers and gameplay videos of Super Mario Galaxy! I have a PC, but I don't care about Crysis, COD4, pretty much any FPS. Even Orange Box was underwhelming. And then there's Rock Band! I was hyped for that and now I don't care at all about it!
For some reason, I just don't give a damn about any new games coming out, and it feels pretty bad because I know they'd be fun if I gave them a shot. Does anyone else just not care about new games anymore?
For some reason, I just don't give a damn about any new games coming out, and it feels pretty bad because I know they'd be fun if I gave them a shot. Does anyone else just not care about new games anymore?