Is Doom3 forums to stay?


Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
And for how long? Of course, once everyone's into HL2, the place won't be as active (imo). Just want mod's position on it.
And anyone who thinks this place needs a stripping, or stay perpetually, make yourself heard!
Well I personally don't see there being any harm in keeping it, its not hurting anyone being here. Be a shame to lose it, been a lot of good threads.
Doom 3 forums SHOULD be "booming," so to speak, after id releases the SDK and mods start rolling out.
True True. And if possible, you'd probably at worst move the most recent/important threads into Gen. Gaming at worst.
To be fair, we should really add a similar forum for the other games too, FarCry, Stalker etc. Even though it is a HL2 site, having the other sections would be nice.
The Dark Elf said:
Yep, besides.... Stalker and Doom are great :E *hides*

No need to hide. I think the majority of people would agree with you.
DarkStar said:
No need to hide. I think the majority of people would agree with you.

Naw ;)

I think having seperate forums is a good thing, though. It keeps the general gaming forum nice and clean.

*waits for the Paper Mario 2 forum to open*
How are we supposed to develop an army of blindly loyal Valve fans with a forum such as this!!

How about having a "Next Generation games discussion" forum?
DarkStar said:
No need to hide. I think the majority of people would agree with you.

Only becasue if they didn't he would ban them.
I can imagine MoH-PA and WoW forums when those come out. Then where would we draw the line? Or would we?
Perhaps we can have around 3 sub forums for "games of the moment"?

Right now its Doom 3 so we have a Doom 3 forum, when WoW is released it would have its turn. Each forum would stay until a new game becomes popular enough here that people are willing to remove one and replace it with the new one.

Voting could be done every time a new major game is released via sticky in the general gaming forum.
I hope they have one for Prince of Persia 2, Quake IV, Call of Cthulhu ( Only if these games come out before Half-Life 2).
Tredoslop said:
I hope they have one for Prince of Persia 2, Quake IV, Call of Cthulhu ( Only if these games come out before Half-Life 2).
Quake IV won' don't count on it.