Is Half-Life real? Read this !


Feb 14, 2005
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I was just playing some CS Source when I got a instant message from a friend,I ignored him but he sended me more and more messages untill I answered him,I was quite mad at the moment but not untill I read the site he sent me in the messages.
He sended me a site,another Half-Life forum,the site leaded me to a thread,a 250+ page thread.I read through the first few pages and I found the whole thing was bullshit but the story was really good,almost worth beliving.
Ok,enough with the teasing,here is the link,enjoy!
Just here to spice up our everyday internet life.
But come on man,you have to give the lier some credit,the can pull it off in front of some losers.
I read the first 5 sentences, realized that it was complete bullshit, then laughed at those who beleived him.
Considering the author uses the sentence structure I can't help but associate with an 11 year old, I am gonna have to
Man that was pretty lame, I could make up a more realistic story than that! And the fact that his nickname is that of Walter Bennet, the fictional columnist of planethalflife is just... dumb...
Spartacus said:
I read the first 5 sentences, realized that it was complete bullshit, then laughed at those who beleived him.
Same here.
Jadewolf5675 said:
Considering the author uses the sentence structure I can't help but associate with an 11 year old, I am gonna have to

What do you mean I have the sentence structure of an 11 year old? I see that my being is not taken seriously in many places, although why I am not sure.

Either way, you may be aware of my exploits, being somewhat numerous. If not, there is a website you should visit as soon as possible.

It is of utter importance and urgency that you read the information on said site.

The threat of the Combine is real.

(And by the way, I took the name Dr. Walter Bennett, as a lasting tribute to my protege, who was killed in the incident. He has no relation to the Dr. Walter Bennett of the PHL website, who was obviously created for humorous intentions. A coincidence I am afraid.)
AJ Rimmer said:
Man that was pretty lame, I could make up a more realistic story than that! And the fact that his nickname is that of Walter Bennet, the fictional columnist of planethalflife is just... dumb...

But you didn't. Yo, he has a good story, i've read all of it. It's cool. And all of you like, oooo I could do better. Well, lets see ya do it. Come on. He has so many freakin plot twists it isn't funny. He also has "headcrab" pictures, documents, and a Black Mesa ID card. He goes for the suck you in approach. And if you only read five sentences, you don't know shit about it. THERE ARE 250 pages!

Long live the doc! Rules!
noir_deluxe said:
But you didn't. Yo, he has a good story, i've read all of it. It's cool. And all of you like, oooo I could do better. Well, lets see ya do it. Come on. He has so many freakin plot twists it isn't funny. He also has "headcrab" pictures, documents, and a Black Mesa ID card. He goes for the suck you in approach. And if you only read five sentences, you don't know shit about it. THERE ARE 250 pages!

Long live the doc! Rules!

Two things:

1) Posting under another account to back up the website (also made by you) is very, very sad.

2) Pick which account you want to keep, because we don't allow multiple accounts here (this one and drwalterlansing)
You mean these two accounts were the same guy? :O BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: somebody STOP ME!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :D
CREMATOR666 said:
You mean these two accounts were the same guy? :O BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: somebody STOP ME!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :D
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That it priceless! He should've just named it his Walter Ego.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Two things:

1) Posting under another account to back up the website (also made by you) is very, very sad.

2) Pick which account you want to keep, because we don't allow multiple accounts here (this one and drwalterlansing)
PWNED! :farmer: :cheers:
Rofl, it was good when it was on that forum...oh man, anybody remember the great controversy over HLRadio and how they ran a, that was a ****ing forum war. Anyway.

This really is extremely old......

EDIT: Idiot. He spelt epidermis wrong.
Waves "WTF" flag.

alright, I'm gonna sum this up with:

DrWalterLansing is a teenage forum nerd! He wants to make you beleive the Combine are coming....He lies! Everyone on that forum are fools, we are all 2x more intellegent then them join Half Life because we are all smart here.

the veiws in this post are not to be taken seriously, and are those of the users opinion.
DrWalterLansing is a teenage forum nerd! He wants to make you beleive the Combine are coming....He lies! Everyone on that forum are fools, we are all 2x more intellegent then them join Half Life because we are all smart here.


propaganda :hmph:
We're done with the Cold War. As the US doesn't really care much about Russian anymore, we don't care much about Half-Life Source.
There, now I've made an animation to go with "PWNED!"
Click the attached image...

Note: You'll have to save it to your computer, and rename it to ".swf".
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!THAT IS BULLSHIT!!!
combinedeath13 said:
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!THAT IS BULLSHIT!!!

great. Thanks for bringing up a topic from 7 months ago.
zomg teh megz0rz necr0post :monkee:
And the forum thread isn't even a valid link anymore.
damn it, i was about to lock this but then i realized i only have powers in the lounge.

necroposting ftl