Is it illegal to *PLAY* on custom maps?


Jul 17, 2003
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Just a quick question regarding custom maps, I'm a little confused on the subject. I know it's illegal to *make* custom maps because the only tools out there are from the illegal beta. However, is it legal for us to *play* on the custom maps? I mean they are in the server browser, and some of them do look like fun.

Your thoughts? Thanks,
Wraith said:
its very illegal and you shouldnt do it and its bad

you can download a lot of them at <<website removed>> and they are very fun, get phys_phun_b5.bsp (look on google)

Actually I was specifically looking at playing phys_phun, but I don't seem to be understanding you. You're telling me it's illegal, bad, and that I shouldn't play on them, and yet you post a link to a web directory hosting all the illegal custom maps?

Im thinking he was being sarcastic. It's not like you made the maps, which IS illegal.
ok then, so it is ok to play on the maps, as long as I don't make any? I hope this is true because I've been looking forward to some of the other custom maps :)
i think technically its wrong to play them, and really they shouldnt be discussed on this site because it could get them in trouble, but i dont think valve cares too much that you play them.

phys_phun_b5 is the best, give it a shot. the rest are just remakes of aztec and italy, but the real remakes have been officially released now so you dont need those shitty ones.
"custom maps are warez, because they where made with beta tools" which, if you know what you are talking about, thats horse crap. Theres custom tools out there for customising and unpacking HL2 maps. People make custom tools to do things all the time and dont release them too - ever heard of a hacker?, duh.

These map tools however are freely available, go look.

im now going to go and uninstall my plumbing because i think the plumber might have used a stolen screwdriver, so my plumbing = stolen, going by the same logic. Not that i can prove that his screwdriver is stolen, just, well i think it is so it must be. Damn, no water for me.

Can everyone also remove your signatures and avatars from the forums you use please, because i think less than 5% of you actually paid for the photo editing suites you used to make them, so they must be warez too. kthnx.
I want some mapping tools. We got modeling tools. I wanna make a map. But I want an official one not some beta warez stuff.
to make a full new map from scratch you WILL need hammer2.

you can tweek maps without it though.
Nothing is ILLEGAL about the beta. Maybe frowned upon, but Valve can do NOTHING about ANYONE making maps. Don't try and fill his head with this bulls**t, either that or get it out of your head and look up legal rights.
wrong but also fun. Its up to the individual, just dont post it here, its againts board rules tbh.
InFeRnO said:
Nothing is ILLEGAL about the beta. Maybe frowned upon, but Valve can do NOTHING about ANYONE making maps. Don't try and fill his head with this bulls**t, either that or get it out of your head and look up legal rights.

Yes, there is something very illegal about the beta. It was stolen. Just because it wasn't you who personally stole it, doesn't mean that it's suddenly legal for you to use it.
so I can shoot guns in public..cuz i didnt make em?

...I can play burned games that cst $50 cuz i didnt burn 'em?

....I can drink underage cuz i didnt buy em?

come on dude...
If you play the custom maps, buggles will kill you while you sleep.