Is it just me or are there more console games than PC games coming out?


Oct 3, 2003
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just bought a new pc and I'm getting a little nervous because there seem to be a lot more games coming out for console exclusively than for PC...

is that some kind of trend (which may turn around again) or is it the future to buy 3 consoles to be up to date?
Nah, it's just that consoles are easier to develop for. Plus, they prove to be reliable betatests for PC ports, see: GTA 4.

They come out sooner. Not in greater numbers.
There's always far more console games - it's where the money is.
More consoles, more console gamers, one hardware configuration per console as opposed to many with PCs. Having said that, PC gaming will never dry up, only ebb and flow. Strategy games, sims, mods, garage developers all will keep PCs relevent.
Errr, we're talking quality, not quantity. I think.

Yeah. At least I meant not every title that's been released on consoles (because there are a lot more on consoles which are sort of ... er dodgy than on PC, imho) but the major titles.
Don't forget all the deals Microsoft and Sony make to persuade developers to develop for their system and to keep it exclusive.
Don't forget all the deals Microsoft and Sony make to persuade developers to develop for their system and to keep it exclusive.

I don't forget them. It's just that I hope that a truly great game doesn't depend on their publisher.

STALKER is a bad example, but their goal (in the beginning) was so captivating (readin the FAQ in the beginning sent a chill down my spine! It was so great to read through all the features ... which never made it into the game. :(

Nevertheless: When Valve gets sold I'll move to console... :|

I hate it. I used to play C&C, HL, CS (beta versions) and a lot of other classics... it was such a pleasure... but now... :frown:

Maybe it's just nostalgia. :sleep: