is it just me or has half life 2 changed?


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Looking at some old screenshots of hl2 from summer 2003, and the latest batch, I can't help but notice subtle differences. Reminds me of the hl1 images from before they revamped it.

for instance



This looks like a change for the better, and strong evidence that VALVE was not ready last year for release.

p.s. links from hl fallout, which at time of posting is not letting me connect, don't know what is up with that site, but look up some old ones and compare them with new ones, and you can see a big change.
edit: links seem to work now. its off and on.
very nice observation. and yes they revamped it. they had to, mainly to keep up with other games of today.
I liked the old antlions better
Just a personal preferance.
I think they look much better. If the year delay was necessary to put the finishing touches on the game, then I'd say it was worth it. I remember half life 1 screens when it had the quake 1 engine, and I remember thinking "thank god they went with quake 2". I'm sure its the same for the revamps they did in the year they had.
I don't think they ever switched to Quake2's engine, rather they just added to the first engine and improved it.
There are a few different breeds of antlions within the game.
HL only uses the quake1 engine, no q2 there. (maybe a few lines .. I remember reading that, by few I mena something around 10-20 lines.)
well ofcourse it changed , ....... u took the first 2 screenshots ever released for hl2 and r comparing them with 2 of the newest shots.
sublidieminal said:
very nice observation. and yes they revamped it. they had to, mainly to keep up with other games of today.

They changed the zombie's pants and antlion's colors to keep it up todate? :|

seriously dude... :|
I like the skin on the old ant-lion's better. Personal preference, whatever.

Also, anyone notice Alyx's outfit has changed? She used to wear a one piece jump-suit with a sort of green vest thing with a collar. Now she's got her sweatshirt and jeans.

Think she does a costume change in game or if she's locked into the new one now?
ZEROarmy said:
They changed the zombie's pants and antlion's colors to keep it up todate? :|
Eh,. the zombies look way different,. and way better,.. the old zombies just have headcrabs for heads,.. on the new ones, it looks like the headcrab has grown into the zombie,.
The added a lot more detail to everything.
When asked about that new screenshot with the antlions on HL2fallout, they said that each antlion would be differant, this applys to zombies and stuff i would think...In the build, some were differant, not much, but the build was pre pre e3 2k3
Notice they changed the blood stains aswell. The new ones look 10x better.
hasan said:
HL only uses the quake1 engine, no q2 there. (maybe a few lines .. I remember reading that, by few I mena something around 10-20 lines.)

Yup it was a netcode fix, John Carmack fixed it with some of the code from Quake 2.
In the newest screen shots, the "squad" looks different. In older vids they had white coats. I wonder if this is a change, or if they are two different groups/character types, or just different outfits for different situations.
The game had added decals or something like that to make it look better than it actually is
When I had the interview with the guy from PCGamer, I asked him if it seemed outdated in any way, even graphicly, and he said no, and that he had no idea how that rumor got started, it seems the have kept the graphics up to date by todays standards, and he said the screenshots and the BINKs don't do the game justice. So for all those that are hoping the game will be as cool as the cids. Don't worry, it's better, trust me.
not really interested myself...the graphics are secondary to gameplay.
You cant delay a game for a whole year and not improve it, it would end up a year out of date when it does get released. A whole year is quite significant in the gaming biz.
Icarus said:
When I had the interview with the guy from PCGamer, I asked him if it seemed outdated in any way, even graphicly, and he said no, and that he had no idea how that rumor got started, it seems the have kept the graphics up to date by todays standards, and he said the screenshots and the BINKs don't do the game justice. So for all those that are hoping the game will be as cool as the cids. Don't worry, it's better, trust me.
Yes, looking at the new screenshots the game does seem a lot better than anything that has been in the binks or screenshots we've seen. Then again we haven't really had any new content since E3 2004, and even then pretty much everything we had seen was with 0 anti-alaising and no anistropic filtering.

There is clear proof of that, however one of the new images has not been officially released, so I can't link to it. But here is an old version:

Compare that to the new version (not telling you where to find it) and you'll notice that the new version looks way better - mainly because of the anistropic filtering (look at the ground!), but the lines are also a lot less jagged in the new version.
r4z0r_bl4d3 said:
Looking at some old screenshots of hl2 from summer 2003, and the latest batch, I can't help but notice subtle differences. Reminds me of the hl1 images from before they revamped it.

for instance



This looks like a change for the better, and strong evidence that VALVE was not ready last year for release.

p.s. links from hl fallout, which at time of posting is not letting me connect, don't know what is up with that site, but look up some old ones and compare them with new ones, and you can see a big change.
edit: links seem to work now. its off and on.

It might as well be just different versions/skins what apear both ingame.
The 'old' zombies seem to be in a early state of incubation where the 'new' zombies look like the stronger zombies introduced with Oposing force (they also had a open chest).

The Ant lions could also be 2 different versions (workers/fighters for example) or maybe even based on their location.

Because it would suck to see the same type of enemy :)

I also hope you can add new skins to the model without having to edit the model itself. (like in farcry where you can assign 'materials' to most of the models) what would make it easyer to have more variation and create custom content.
All the zombies in HL had an open chest. If anything, the zombies we've seen so far in HL2 seem fresher than the ones at BMRF, as the chest gash hasn't even begun to become a mouth yet.
i was thinking how little it has changed...a whole year later and all they changed was a few skins here and there? what have they been doing? i thought the game was just about done a year ago?
Wow, in that combine picture, look at the houses in the back...They look like the clay model houses from Earthbound...
Above all, the atmosphere has changed, in 2003 I had the idea it would be Gordon's fight against the Xen again with a replacement for the grunts (combines) but now after the reviews it looks like a really grimmy and dark resistance war against a regime (the combine) where Xen only plays a small part (there seems to be no organized invasion a la HL1, but just native Xen creatures that try to survive on earth like antlions and headcrabs). I hope I'm wrong though.
PvtRyan said:
Above all, the atmosphere has changed, in 2003 I had the idea it would be Gordon's fight against the Xen again with a replacement for the grunts (combines) but now after the reviews it looks like a really grimmy and dark resistance war against a regime (the combine) where Xen only plays a small part (there seems to be no organized invasion a la HL1, but just native Xen creatures that try to survive on earth like antlions and headcrabs). I hope I'm wrong though.

Why do you hope you're wrong? That sounds like a FAR more interesting situation than simply fighting Xen's forces - been there, done that, got the t-shirt :)
I have yet to figure out what this has to do with HL1...I hope they do a good job of bringing it together...HL1 is kind of like one of those games they never intentioned to have a sequel too...
yup, the new antlions look to green and colourful, the old ones were MUCH better