Is it just me or....



when you see things in real life do you some how connect them to HL2, like today on my way home from work i passed a truck that was carrying different kinds of gases in those big canisters, my imeadiate thought was "grab canister with gravity gun and chuck it at something" or theother day at work i took the garbage out and saw a square wooden pallete and once again thought to grab it with the grav gun and lauch and watch it break...... so am i the only one that does that which would make me crazy, or do you guys do that too?
I once tried to look at some writing on a building, but couldn't quite make it out, so instinctively moved my finger towards where "z" would be on the keyboard. Except my finger was in my pocket, in the middle of a street. :|

I've hardly played the game since. :LOL:
Nah we all do it.

I even do little ragdoll things with my army guys :p

-Kage: ROFL

I play HL2DM alot, and I frequently press shift out of instinct to go faster in other games.

The irony is that that is the walk button in most games :LOL:
Today I was eating lunch at a pizza place, picked up the napkin dispenser, and thought, "Wow this is pretty heavy, this would be sweet to shoot at a combine" Then I ate pizza :) :)
when i sit down to type my left hand automatically goes to shift-a-w-d instead of a-s-d-f and the first few words come out garbage. only got the damn thing a couple of days ago!
whenever i eat some type of meet i always get visions of eating headcrabs eeeewwwww
I accidently knocked over an empty litre coke bottle and watched it topple over and roll around.

First thought that came to my head? "Damn thats some good physics"

I need help >_<
lol ive seen a thread on this before,i remeber your one kage...made me laugh then. I like looking at reflections in water now, seem very well done, and testing to see how things dropping my tv remote on broke the battery cover :D
Last night my friend and I were driving past a paper mill at night. It was all lit up and I commented that it looked really pretty - my friend gave me a funny look, because it was, after all, a paper mill.

When I got home I realized that such an appreciation for the aesthetics of ugly industrial stuctures was bred from playing half-life 2.
I think there is someone that have played a little to much Half Life 2!!!
I always looks at the waters reflections in the ocean, and how they match HL2. But then again, HL2 doesn't have distance blur, which I wish it did--where the further out you reflect the object, the more blurry it becomes on the water's surface--oh well, here's to the next gen! ;)

I love looking at the shininess of metal objects and reflections off cars and such and try to relate that to HL2, as well. The game is everywhere I look.
Pulse said:
I accidently knocked over an empty litre coke bottle and watched it topple over and roll around.

First thought that came to my head? "Damn thats some good physics"

I need help >_<

LOL! thats freakin awesome
I was at the mall a couple of weeks ago. Walking through the parking lot after it had rained. I actually said to my mom "Man, those are some nice shaders."

yep, every time i look at water I'm like "DX9..... DX9....."
I freak out evertime i see a white guy in a blue suit with dark hair.:eek:

Once at work I hid in the toliets at work broke down and cried ;(
whenever I sit down at my desk in school my hands always assume the "W,S,A,D" position. it's rather weird. Also I always think the Earths draw distances could be better... They should take a leaf out of Halflife2's book...
Not related to HL2 the game, but mapping:
I was in a store where they had these big shiny christmas balls hanging from the ceiling. My first though? Cubemaps! :E

Or the occasional "sweet bumpmapping".
Was just couple hours ago shooting some rockets on backyard... welll its dark and i try to see in the bag of rockets, automatically my hand tries to press "f" for flashlight :D that was pretty scary
I find I'm more able of understanding how things will react to me throwing them and such since playing Half-Life 2. I've surprised myself a number of times, really was pretty funny when I loosely threw a glass so that it bounced with the upper edge and landed standing right up, without getting a crack or anything. And this was without really thinking about it... Funny how when I play a game with a great physics simulation I get a much better sense for this after having lived with reality's physics my whole life.