Is it just me or....


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Has the game suddenly gotten harder? I was playing through it earlier today and playing through the Nova Prospekt and Entanglement chapters and was frequently dying. I know there is one part in Entanglement where you use those turrets to defend those two hallways against the combine that was always really hard, but i was dying in other places. It was horrible i tells ya, horrible.

Its like the world has suddenly turned upside down, i'm finding Far Cry easy and HL2 difficult. What the heck am i smoking?

Anyone else think HL2 has gotten harder all of a sudden?
Entanglements quite hard with the turrets part

And i don't know why ravenholm turned like the hardest thing

Yes i think you play it,you beat it,then you forget what you did the first time and it seems harder
I played Half Life 2 the first time dying a surprisingly few amount of times. I didn't die in part I find impossible now, like the aforementioned turret sequence. :p
No don't think so....but then again I haven't played in awhile.
If I thought Valve were patching the game every now and then to adjust the difficulty, I think that would be pointless. That's what I'm thinking you mean.

Unless you mean your FPS skills are rusting through lack of use, like mine are. In the last few years, I've found the newest games to be more difficult than the older ones I played before. Either they're upping the difficulty because so many players out there are 1337 FPSers, or I'm showing my age! :O
You had a better shock of adreanaline before when you played other levels, you under-estimate the AI and you're tired from finishing HL2.
That's probably what it is. When I first played Ravenholm (demo) I was absolutely terrified. I played it in two sittings (I couldn't handle one) and I still often times just sat there unwilling to go on. It was only slightly scared by the time I bought the game, and nowadays I just fart around in Ravenholm like everywhere else.

If only every experience was like the first. :(
I played through it again today and i had the difficulty on Easy and i swear it was harder than when i played it on Normal.
One of the updates said they have improved the ai
I got the game and the book Raising the Bar for my birthday from my boyfriend (who is just as crazy about hl2 as I am... almost ;)) and ofcourse I started to play the game again! This time though I'm playing it on medium difficulty, unlike the first time when I played it on easy. I must say that Ravenholm was very difficult on medium, specially since you almost don't have any weapons. But it's fun! I just can't get enough of that game!!

Gordon Freeman for president!!
sHaDdoW said:
One of the updates said they have improved the ai
Which one? Doesn't Steam keep a backlog of all the update's? (What they have added in this patch or changed in this patch etc. etc.)
CombinePolice said:
Yes i think you play it,you beat it,then you forget what you did the first time and it seems harder

Yeah, I think that's what it is. I had exactly the same problem as Sparta the last time I went through the game. I kept dying at stupid points that didn't cost me a single reload in my first time through - doing stuff like falling off the underside of the bridge, or constantly falling in the toxic slime in that infested tunnel later on. I think you just underestimate the difficulty after having completed it once already.

Having said that, it wasn't exactly easy for me the first time through. The turrets bit in Entanglement took about a dozen retries. I also reloaded some shootouts many times, but more for enjoyment than due to dying.
CombinePolice said:
Yes me to.When i was playing "Water Hazard" (Chapter 4) it seemed harder
Are you kidding, Water Hazard seemed a lot easier to me the second time round. I agree the turrets seemed a lot harder the second time round. Probably because I was on cheat codes the first time round.
I don't play HL2 Single-Player anymore. I have this tendancy to contineously shoot bodies and waste my rocket-ammo.

Too much DM...
The A.I seems alot different. They don't want to stand still as much as they did the first time round. Bastards.
Sparta said:
The A.I seems alot different. They don't want to stand still as much as they did the first time round. Bastards.
Maybe valve made eccidently super-ai which can thing and learn stuff? WoW great :dork: