Is it possible to play HL2Goty?


Aug 20, 2005
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I was browsing around Amazon, and came acroos this. This was the version I got, in October of this year and it hasn't been working. I made a thread about this, and eventually figured out the problem[I didn't have a graphics card], but Op4, which isn't registrerd on Steam works perfectly. Tomorrow I'm getting my graphics card, but will it work?

Edit: Here's the old thread
Assuming you have the right graphics card yeah.

Opposing Force is a lot older and will run on just about anything, whereas HL2 is rather new and requires a decent card to play. Which is why you can run Op4.
yea op4 should run on a intigrated card fine but not hl2 and it dosent matter the version you need a real graphics card
Depends on how well you want it to run and how much money you got.
Max settings, which I know my computer is capable of.
you dont have a vid card but think your computer os capable of running on max settings? why would someone build such a computer but forget the vid card? you should go for an radeon 9800 pro or something like that. it will do fine.
Yeah. A 9800 will run HL2 good, but if your computer otherwise is up to shape (which does sound really weird, apart from laptops most computer with intergrated graphics sucks) something with a bit more kick in it is necessary to run HL2 at max.
Also, my Half-Life doesn't work either and it has the same problem as Op4
ChiChi said:
Also, my Half-Life doesn't work either and it has the same problem as Op4
What problems does Half-Life have, then?
Beerdude26 said:
What problems does Half-Life have, then?

I personnnally think it's a problem with Steam. Half_life is registered on Steam, but doesn't work, but Op4 works and it's not installed on Steam.
ChiChi said:
I personnnally think it's a problem with Steam. Half_life is registered on Steam, but doesn't work, but Op4 works and it's not installed on Steam.

you can play hl without steam you know if you have the cds that is
What I'm saying is, I don't have a graphics card, I'm getting one. But Half-Life[which is registered on Steam] doesn't work, yet Op4 which isn't registered on Steam do. The reason I started this thread was cuz none of my Steam games could play.