Is it possible to travel through time?


Oct 18, 2003
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Ive heard many theories about traveling through time. Some of these theories seem like udder BS yet others sound like they might actually hold water. What are some theories you have heard of? Some of the theories I have heard say that it is possible to travel into the future but not into the past, something about traveling the speed of light. Another interesting question would be If you could travel into the past or future and stay for about an hour would you want to? I doubt I would go into the past because it seems that even the most minor actions you do could have a devistating effect on the future and therefore change everything you were familiar with before you left. I even think I would not want to go into the future because who knows what could be going on? Id hate to run into some sort of mutant cyborg that has a particular dislike of humans. :borg:
its possible, i know how. I just can't physically do it. But you time travel everytime you remember something. and you can travel faster than the speed of light already just think of where you want to go and your there instantly in your mind.
I feel time IS in the heads of what ever life form is percieving it on this planet.To an insect one day takes 50 years.
I'm not concidering life on other planets, as we have not yet verified it and it may have a different way of measuring it altogether.

I believe the past, present and future are coexisting in the same space and we have only to "part a thin curtain" and the concepts of linear time or static time or what ever you want to call it will change forever. Yes, I believe it is in our heads.
that theory about being able to go ahead in time isn't time travelling i dont think. Its if yur going over the speed of light, u will age slower and everything will seem slow to u while everybody else ages the same as they always have. I cant remember the explanation behind this but i remember learnin about it a couple years ago.
Shuzer said:
hehehe, funny read. Sounds like its more a PR stunt for the early draft of Terminator III from way back before the final storyline was decided on to me. Certainly nothing he said couldn't have been guessed on by anyone else. How much does that site leave out that didn't come true I wonder.
Jon, your on about the theory of relativity. The passing of time is relative to ones speed. The faster you go, the slower time becomes for you.

As for time travel, certainly using the theory of relativity it is possible to travel forward in time, given a fast enough vessel.As for backwards, that I'm no so sure about.

However the passing of time is a matter of perception as Jammydodger so rightly pointed out. Our perceptions inform us that yesterday is history (dead time) and tomorrow has yet to come (arriving time), but this 'awareness' is only our perception because of our mortality. Tomorrow may in fact be as concrete as yesterday in the spectrum of time. The universe is infinitely vast and old, so it is somewhat presumptious to assume that what we percieve as the 'here and now' of our existence is the actual universal cusp of translation between dead time and arriving time. :rolling:
ok wtf, windows posted this message twice, sorry guys, i seem to have sent the same message twice so i'm just editing this. But for time travel, i dotn think we'll be able to go backwards or forwards with a machine or something of the sort. Time is just too intangible of something to work with. Its not like any other science where u have soemthing to work with.
JonTheCanuck said:
ok wtf, windows posted this message twice, sorry guys, i seem to have sent the same message twice so i'm just editing this. But for time travel, i dotn think we'll be able to go backwards or forwards with a machine or something of the sort. Time is just too intangible of something to work with. Its not like any other science where u have soemthing to work with.

That wasn't windows that was the greys ****ing with ya Jon :borg: said:
Have you considered that your society might be better off if half of you were dead?

i dunno whether half the stuff on this site is true but holy crap he's telling some home truths.
Well, I've heard all kinds of stuff. It's impossible to go forwards. It's impossible to go back. You can go back but not forwards. You can go forwards but not back.

I remember there was something in New Scientist about some guys who had worked out a design for a time machine which used a spinning Bose-Einstiein condensate, or something, which would allow anyone who stepped into it to move backwards in time.

Personally, I think that you can go both ways, as time is a dimension, and we can move in both directions with the other dimensions, so why not time?
Heh, in the middle of my john titor fascination, I did some more research, and found some interesting things.

1. According to the theory of Hawking Radiation , the two miniature black holes that powered Mr. Titor's "Time Machine" would generate massive amounts of radiation, even more so than our Sun (maybe I am wrong about it being more than our Sun but I read several people making this comment, so someone correct me if I am wrong). Unless he managed to incorporate some kind of advanced shielding into his corvette or truck, he would be killed. Also, from what I have read, the singularities would last no more than 10 seconds.

2. Also, I have read several posts from comment sections of other sites or message borads where people point out that the pictures of Mr. Titor's time machine are actually pictures of 60's era radiation detection equipment. Unfortunately I am not an expert on this and I have been unable to find pictures of this equipment, so whether this is true or not I do not know.
Brian Damage said:
Well, I've heard all kinds of stuff. It's impossible to go forwards. It's impossible to go back. You can go back but not forwards. You can go forwards but not back.?

Compared to the idea of going back in time, going forwards is easy: cryogenics!
You go into the pod, and wake up in the future where everything has progressed except you. Done.

As for travelling back, that's more of a problem. One issue is that the earth is constantly moving at extreme speeds around the universe. If you were to zap into the past, the earth wouldn't be there yet and you'd be floating in space. For time-travel to be effective, you'd need powerful and simultaneous space travel too.

There's also the problem of the 'sandwich paradox'.
Say you feel like having a sandwich right now, in 2004, without having do anything.

So, in 2010, you make a sandwich, build a time machine, and use it to deliver the sandwich to yourself the minute you get the munchies back in 2004.

But now you are no longer hungry, so you don't bother to build a time machine.
But if you don't time-travel, you don't get a sandwich, so you feel having a sandwich right now, in 2004, without having do anything.

etc, etc. It's a constant loop of self-effacing scenarios.

Oh, and according to that titor guy's site, the olympics stop happening after 2004, so we might just see if it's true in 2006. I think it's fiction, but who knows?
Time travel is either not possible or never used. If time travel was possible any changes made by the person who went back in time would have already happened and would be set in stone. Although I think I've heard time moves slower at the speed of light but I cannot remember if thats what it was or not. If thats true it could kinda be considered time traveling forward.
There's always the possibility that any changes one would make on a trip into the past are implemented in a parallel timeline, not in the traveler's.
If time travle was possible we could all live in paradise.

Ok its simple :) you work long enough to afford a dream vacation, then simply travle back to that day, everyday.

edit: "There's always the possibility that any changes one would make on a trip into the past are implemented in a parallel timeline, not in the traveler's."

ok assuming there only one parallel timeline... wouldn't it be freaky to see what it would be like? maybe ppl were completely different, or the world was destroyed or something... intriguing thought.
famas_man said:
If time travle was possible we could all live in paradise.

Ok its simple :) you work long enough to afford a dream vacation, then simply travle back to that day, everyday.

How repetitive and ultimately boring.. lol
Shuzer said:
How repetitive and ultimately boring.. lol

But you could live the day differently every day. Of course youd live it with a wad of cash so you could do w/e you want pretty much. If what you want to do takes more than 1 day than just go for more than 1 day, then return to the beginning :).

my idea is perfect. *shifty eyes* and none of you shall take it from me... NONE OF YOU!

fine print: This idea is only perfect once hl2 is released..... and some mods i guess.
I never said there was only one parallel timeline... in fact I believe that there are an infinite number of them...
I'd never go back in time...haven't you seen Back to the Future!?! Has this series taught you nothing? You could create a paradox...and destroy the entire universe! God...some people.....

I'd go forward in time and get some winning lottery numbers for is always good..

Then I'd probably go forward in time until we have regular commercial space travel and such...mess around with that...

I'd probably go really far forward just to see what happens....
A quote from the wise doc brown. The encounter could create a time paradox, the result of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe! Granted that's a worst case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy."

And I couldnt leave without saying 2.21 GIGAWATS!!!!!!!!
My theory is that you can't travel back in time... why? because have you ever seen a time traveller? no? diddn't think so... I say this because:

If you travel back in time past the time where you invented the time machine.... It wouldn't exist anymore since no one has invented it.
Time does not exist; it's a concept created by man. The past is nothing more than memories and the future is nothing more than dreams; they aren't places you can physically go to.
you guys are great physicists. when are you publishing your papers?
Time, as pointed out by a few people here, is a concept of men because of our awareness to our own mortality. The Universe however is not timeless as someone here said. It has a beggining (big bang) and an end (big crush).

The possibility to travel to time has been considered and one option has been acepted as viable in the future. As you know there are black holes in the Universe, masses that have such strong gravity that suck their own light. Now it is theoretically possible to build anti-gravity materials that would leave a black hole open indefinitely.
Theoretically we could even create a blackhole and in the moment they begun, we would do this, creating a totally artificial wormhole. Now, again, theoretically, we could link two of these so we could travel between them. And if we supposedly make 2 of them, leave one on Earth and the other one on a ship, programed to travel at near light-speed around the neighborhood and come back to Earth in 20 years we could travel back in time.
Now near light-speed travel theoretically slows down time to the mass traveling.
When the ship returned, 20 years after the its launch, the wormhole inside would be connected to the past. Aproximately a few years after the launch, since in the ship, time was slower. So we would have sucessfully buit a time machine.

Other hypothesis are way more unreal than this and it at least explains the lack of time travelers since you can never go more backwards than the wormhole's criation.
i've been to the future a few times. it's nice to visit, but i wouldn't want to live there..
Yeah, but you gotta admit Halflife 3 kicks the Duke's ass!!
But HL4 is better... I wonder if DNF will make its 2018 release date?
nope, dnf will be released in 2024, but on the playstation 12. it's kinda a let down from what i understand (apparently the anticipation ruins the experience). hl4 (which i'm sad to say is developed and published by microsoft-midamerica corp.) is released in 2012 and is the first "0th person" shooter, requires a body input unit to play. fun, but exhuasting.. phew.
but the more-accurate-than-real-life-physics-simulation is just so smooth.. makes it worth the hassle. Too bad though Gabe's soul leaked on the net..
the thing about mr john titor, is that he'll always leave himself a little get out clause. he'll proclaim a civil war in the states, another world war etc, but he'll say there's a 2% divergence in time travel so there's a 2% chance it won't happen as i say. covering all his angles, makes me think he is a faker. the more i read the less i believe him. *whispers* he sounds like some sort of hippy, harping on about community and family all the time.

but i agree with a lot of what he's saying about most people here being general pieces of trash.
well, the "outs" he leaves himself appear to be more or less internally consistent (hey, we'll find out in a year or so eh?). if the truth sounds far fetched, it's still the truth.. i'm just pissed that the capital is omaha.. are you ****ing kidding me?

edit: lol at JTs ad :)
that ad would be considered quite a chuckle. but then you get to that last sentence 'i have only done this once before' and you totally crack up laughing.
Haven't you guys read "Timeline" by Micheal Crichton? (No, not the movie, stupid) In it it talk about infinitely parallel universes. And since there's an infinite amount, there's always one that's exactly the same as our own, but at a different time. So like you gotta go to these parallel universes.

But anyway I don't really think time travel is useful, because you can't go into the future (because it hasn't happened yet). And you might be able to go back, but you can't change anything. Go ahead, try. I dare ya.

And that thing about travelling forward through time by going near light speed isn't really time travel, because forward time travel would mean going through time faster then you're physically supposed to. So if you are going near light speed, and thus have a different second speed then people on earth, you might be going forward in time for people on earth, but not really because you're supposed to be doing that anyway.

haha did that make sense?
dude i've been to the future.. the future is NOW! well, actually the present is now, the future is then, but that's beside the point. gabe's soul is on the internet and HL4 rocks your socks. what more do you need to know?
I honestly believe that if time travel existed ( I think it might be possible .. ) then one small change made by "the traveler" could **** the timeline that person came from right up. Very dangerous stuff.

Just by bumping into someone and delaying them for a few seconds you could effectivly get them killed. IE: If you weren't there they may of missed being hit by a bus or something but your delay means they got caught ). This person could of been the parent or grandparent of someone who could of done something that... well you get the picture, etc..

Although this article makes for interesting reading.
LittleB said:
But anyway I don't really think time travel is useful, because you can't go into the future (because it hasn't happened yet). And you might be able to go back

If you're going on what was said in that book then you contradict yourself because there would be someone ahead of you in a parallel universe too..

On top of that, if you couldn't go forward then going back means you'd stay there as you couldn't return to the present.