Is it possible? to use cars as


Sep 23, 2003
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to get cars on your manipulator and then toss them at strider feet making strider trip over? I know you prolly can't shoot cars using the manip, but if i were to mod it so you can, would the strider trip over?
I don't think the manipulator can move cars. There's a mass limit to the thing. Plus, newtonian physics demands that if the manipulator exerted enough force to throw a car, the same force would be applied to your arms, holding the manipulator. It'd just be a mess.
didn't one of the shaky cam vids show the dude using a manipulater to smush zombies with a car?
Sai said:
didn't one of the shaky cam vids show the dude using a manipulater to smush zombies with a car?

no, it showed a switch being pushed which dropped a car down via a pulley...
Why the hell are you people asking? The game aren't out yet, we don't know.
Yeah, it was a switch. I love those switches...

But can you really use manipulator to anything? It has to have some kind of limit how heavy/big objects it can lift. If it hadn't we could see Gordon shooting buildings at Striders.
Why not just use the manipulator to pick up the strider and throw him into the sun?
Beserker said:
Yeah, it was a switch. I love those switches...

But can you really use manipulator to anything? It has to have some kind of limit how heavy/big objects it can lift. If it hadn't we could see Gordon shooting buildings at Striders.

You just answered your own question.
uhh this is called speculation....this is what most forum members do moppe about games...speculate, if your tired of speculative forums then......

on the misconseption of the shaky cam vids sorry about that, the bad quality is the culprit to my misconseption
moppe said:
Why the hell are you people asking? The game aren't out yet, we don't know.

If your so tired of them then STFU and LEAVE.

I'm sorry, but there is NO need for that sort of attitude.
yes as stated above....speculation
70% is speculation.

After visiting these forums, I'm hating the world even more.
Sheesh moppe, calm down.
I speculate that you are anticipating E3, so I guess that you will cheer up in a few days time. It's entirely possible. :p

The largest thing we've seen launched with the manipulator so far has been a large desk. Big, but definitely not car-sized.
No one's seen it in action though, and it supposedly can be upgraded to lift heavier stuff.
I'm thinking that you will be able to launch cars at some point or another.
But it IS known that you can lift the buggy with the manipulator. Said so in PC Zone...the author of the preview got his buggy stuck in a swamp or something, and pulled it out with the manipulator. Not sure whether you could fire the thing, though...

I think it'd actually be pretty cheap.
there was also the sequence where you shoot into a car's engine, it exploded and flew across the street and squished zombies
thomashiles said:
there was also the sequence where you shoot into a car's engine, it exploded and flew across the street and squished zombies

I think that he was actually shooting an explosive barrel.
But the effect is the same. :D
Im sure it would be easy to mod it so you could pick up anything.....that might detract from some of the fun though.
The buggy does look very light. It's basically just an engine, a chair, and a rollcage.
Check out the intervew with Gabe and the other Valve ppl on this site, they say that when the manipulator opens its 3 "hooks" in the front, then that object/thing can be picked up, but that can be changed in mods tho...
If it doesn't open, u can't pick that up! =D
So would it be possible to do a reverse rocket jump type thing whereby you use the manipulator on an object bigger than you can lift - then fire and get propelled through the air because of the opposite force?

I know no-one knows but it is cool to think about the possiblities of this weapon...
maybe not, the manipulator will only work with objects that can be picked up, the 3 "hooks" in front of it will open, thats the only time when you can fire the beam i suppose...
Darkside55 said:
But it IS known that you can lift the buggy with the manipulator. Said so in PC Zone...the author of the preview got his buggy stuck in a swamp or something, and pulled it out with the manipulator. Not sure whether you could fire the thing, though...

I think it'd actually be pretty cheap.

I think you misunderstood, he didn't pick the jeep up, he pushed it with the manipulator, big difference.
I saw the console command to alter the lifting limit (and the throwing force) of the manipulator in the leaked "beta" version on some web site... though, I don't remember if they said you could throw a car with it (but I'm leaning toward yes).
gesto21 said:
Why not just use the manipulator to pick up the strider and throw him into the sun?

Plus, newtonian physics demands that if the manipulator exerted enough force to throw a car, the same force would be applied to your arms, holding the manipulator. It'd just be a mess.
Physics can easily be manipulated. have you ever seen a .50 caliber sniper rifle fired? the "equal but opposite reaction" is strong enough to blow your arm entirely off, but you dont even feel a kick. (the expanding gases are used to push the weapon forward as the explosion sends it backwards). If a mere rifle can manipulate those physics, why couldnt a futuristic high-tech device, that picks things up(at no added weight im sure) without any attachment and propels them forward, do the same?

no you cannot pick up cars though, but yes you could edit the specifics and create a map/mod where you could.

the pc zone guy probably just used it to pull the buggy, not throw it. and yeah, dune buggies are generally fairly light.
Naft said:
Physics can easily be manipulated. have you ever seen a .50 caliber sniper rifle fired? the "equal but opposite reaction" is strong enough to blow your arm entirely off, but you dont even feel a kick. (the expanding gases are used to push the weapon forward as the explosion sends it backwards). If a mere rifle can manipulate those physics, why couldnt a futuristic high-tech device, that picks things up(at no added weight im sure) without any attachment and propels them forward, do the same?

The reason why the rifle doesn't kick back is that the reaction is equal but opposite on different masses. The bullet is tiny and low-friction, so it goes much farther than the bulky rifle, the guy holding it and the friction of the ground keeping him in place.

Tossing a car, though, makes you into the bullet, because you are much smaller.

Luckily, the Manipulator appears to harness physics by altering them. Somehow, it can lift and toss objects without any noicable recoil or gravitational pull. I'd guess that it found a way to dampen the reverse-kinetic energy hitting the user by transfering it into heat, or some other form of energy.
There's a thread in the rumour forum that seems to have discovered the theoretical concepts behind the manipulator.

Check out "How does the manipulator work?" or whatever it's called for info on the hutchinson effect and zero-point energy.
moppe said:
Why the hell are you people asking? The game aren't out yet, we don't know.
Calm down son. And if you are going to flame someone for being dumb, double check that you are using proper english.
Maybe you could hook a rocket that you shoot and get dragged along by it? Go fro some flying lessons...ableit short ones..
The PCPowerPlay playtester said:

The dude used the Manipulator to push the buggy at two combine hard enough to splatter them...