Is it worth it to upgrade soundcards for HL2?


Sep 22, 2003
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Im useing the soundblaster 5.1. I was wondering and since many people havent asked about this, I was wondering if its worth the 100 dollers to upgrade the soundcard from something like for instance the 5.1 soundblaster live to the audigy 2 types of sound card.

What would the differance be going form something like that to something like the audigy 2? Would you notice a big differance? What if you are useing the same speakers?

I didnt see any good comparisons between the 2 or any arguments made on why to upgrade. Most people ask about ram processors and video cards and sound cards got left out. Im considering getting the audigy 2 but not if i wont see a improvement big time for the 100 bucks.
From what Valve has said in the past I get the feeling they have put much more work into their work on sound for HL2 than in most games. I mean they said way back that they have added things like the doppler effect, support for high quality surround sound, etc.

So yes having a good sound card is definately a good thing to have for HL2, but whether upgrading to an audigy 2 will make a difference? Well im not sure, if you have something that already supports 5.1 sound then you may already have all of the necessary features to get a very desirable experience with the sound. Personally I would wait to find out more about the sound features that HL2 will have before making any decision on whether to get a new sound card or not since right now we really don't have anything to go by.
I was asking myself the same thing.

I have just (as in today) upgraded from a SB Live 4.1 (so its real old) sound card to an OEM Audigy 2. I only have 2.1 speakers, but their a decent set. I did this upgrade with HL2 and D3 in mind. I have noticed quite a difference in positional sound and general sound quality already. UT2k4 and FarCry sound excellent with this new sound card.
I have even noticed a difference in the playback of my 128bps MP3 files :D

I cant guarantee you will see the same difference - as the sound card you have right now is more recent than the one I upgraded from.... but I am well pleased with my Audigy2. If you know anyone with an Audigy you should take your speakers round to theirs and test it out

Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 1

LOL I didnt realize I registered for this forum so long ago - 1st post 6 months after regeristering - super lurking ability :)
:hmph: I guess I should upgrade my soundcard for Half Life 2. Right now I have onboard sound.
let me put it this way:

I'll tell you in 6 days, once I have my SB Audigy 2 ZS installed...upgrading from an AC'97...
Onboard sound sometimes isnt that bad, but only thing that gets you is that it takes away some CPU power.
You need to tell us what speakers you'll be using, as well as your CPU etc.
I have USB headphones so I'm not gonna get a new sound card..
ive been meaning to upgrade my sound card and speakers, but not to anything too expensive. i just want a decent 5.1 surround sound capable card.
I would invest money in more RAM before I got a sound card. If you've already got a 5.1 surround card, I wouldnt pay for another one. Its like going from a 9600XT to a 9800...not really much difference.
Yeah i think you should, unless you are already having something like an Audigy (the old one)
I have fantastic sound quality and i'm using an AC'97 onboard card. (Granted its 8.1) Whereas my old Soundblaster Live! 5.1 had horrible quality, and always use to crackle.
ailevation said:
:hmph: I guess I should upgrade my soundcard for Half Life 2. Right now I have onboard sound.

I have a crappy sounblaster 16 PCI card. Dont feel bad ;)
hey, i have the nforce 2 onboard 5.1 sound w/ a set of the altec lansing 251 surround sound speakers and i've noticed a huge difference between it and my creative SB live. Only ever had one problem the sound cuts out during games and i can't figure out why, like in cs and far cry and stuff but a reboot fixes it and it sounds great
Good soundcard = good speakers. If you don't have good speakers or headphones...I would still upgrade but not to the max cause your speakers aren't that great. On the other hand if you do have good speakers or headphones. I would definatly upgrade to a very good soundcard.
Swizzel said:
hey, i have the nforce 2 onboard 5.1 sound w/ a set of the altec lansing 251 surround sound speakers and i've noticed a huge difference between it and my creative SB live. Only ever had one problem the sound cuts out during games and i can't figure out why, like in cs and far cry and stuff but a reboot fixes it and it sounds great

i have the same motherboard as u and experience similar problems..
i think its because it takes some of the CPU power away like someone already mentioned.

i'd upgrade it but not now.. because i got a sweet deal on a 9800 Pro so my extra cash went to that instead :)
I dont think it is unless you have a really crummy sound card. i think a good sound system makes the game more realistic.
The main difference would be in the EAX features. The Audigy 2 has EAX 4.0. I upgraded from an onboard AC'97 to an Audigy LS, wich has EAX 3 and it really makes a very big difference.

EAX stands for Environmental Audio Extentions, and it simulates the soundwaves bouncing on walls and stuff, so you hear echo and muffling of sound going through a wall. It is worth the upgrade.
If I can afford it closer to the time then I'll be upgrading to a Creative SoundBlaster 7.1 card. I've heard they're gonna be great for HL2.
the problem i have with upgradeing is then id need to upgrade my speakers... i dont want to use these analog 5.1's on a digital card.... 5.1 good pc speakers are 300bucks!
im on z640s with my SB Audigy2 ZS and i love the way my sound works...but then again im not a sound junkie, but still this is a great surround sound set for only 50 bucks
if anyone could supply a link to decent surround sound speakers at a good price that would help me out. i figure ill need them once i upgrade my sound card.
Your soundcard should do the trick, dont worry
You can get pretty decent Logitech 5.1 system for $60. You can pick them up in a walmart/sams club or get them on (but then you pay shipping).

Geez, they're down to $49 at newegg.

Look for the Logitech Z640.

They're absolutely incredible for the price.
I have on-board sound...will I notice an improvement if I get an audigy ? :D lol ;)
Well, my on-board sound can output 5.1 surround in good quality, so I don't see the point. :)
With onboard it uses the CPU to process the sound. So you have less CPU for gaming. But if you get a card that processes it.
I upgraded from onboard (nforce2) 5.1 'cos it kept crapping out on me when the going got tough, I bought a SB live! 5.1 digital second hand for 15 quid. BIG difference in UT and FarCry, massively cool bullets whizzing and rockets sploding etc. Worth every penny. Also invest in good speakers tho - I have a nice Cambridge Soundworks 5.1 setup, which I nabbed second hand for 30 quid cos two speakers were busted, so I replaced them with my goodmans 75 watters :D
Swizzel said:
hey, i have the nforce 2 onboard 5.1 sound w/ a set of the altec lansing 251 surround sound speakers and i've noticed a huge difference between it and my creative SB live. Only ever had one problem the sound cuts out during games and i can't figure out why, like in cs and far cry and stuff but a reboot fixes it and it sounds great
I get that cut to! If you ever find the reason please tell me!
Don'y go higher then 6.1 7.1 is a waste of money

If you have like an sb audigy 2 with at least 5.1 speakers then your good
mayro said:
the problem i have with upgradeing is then id need to upgrade my speakers... i dont want to use these analog 5.1's on a digital card.... 5.1 good pc speakers are 300bucks!

Speakers are the most important thing.

People who are saying headphones are better, not so. I used to think that, untill i got inspire 5.1s. You cant lose with a subwoofer. It makes all the difference. Upgrade your speakers first, then upgrade your soundcard. Digital surround sound is the only way to fly.

I just got a set of inspire 5.1 creatives for 250 Australian.
I agree, if you're experiencing wonderful sound there's nothing better than the knowledge everyone within a 200ft radius is experiencing it too...
nofx said:
With onboard it uses the CPU to process the sound. So you have less CPU for gaming. But if you get a card that processes it.

I have a AMD AthlonXP 2600+, I'm sure I'll be ok in the CPU department. :p