is it worth it


May 3, 2006
Reaction score
Just wondering if anyone has any screenshots of Day of Defeat. I use to play the old one ages ago and kinda reamember how gritty that was with the graphics, does the new one have any major improvements graphics wise?

Also, does anyone know whether valve will start introducing vehicles into their internet games. I know the Battlefield series has vehicles for land sea and air and it kicks ass. I don't know, maybe valve doesn't want to copy. Anyone know?
DoD was never about vehicles, there won't ever be any to DoD:S.
.. and i'm fairly certain battlefield weren't the first people to put VEHICLES in a game and if you say that valve wouldn't want to copy you might aswell question why they have guns in the game.
Woh relax guys. Just a question. Was just giving an example. Sorry if I hit a nerve. Everytime I ask a question everyone has to get all defensive. We play the games we don't create them.
yes I think DOD:S is worth it, it looks and plays nice, just as fun as the old dod game but with physics of course.

who knows if they will ever put the vehicle code in multi-player. They are too busy making episode one I guess.
I hate the look of the guns! argh! too... Bulky..!!

I have had aproximately 3 nightmares about DoD:s weapons
In my opinion it is, but only because it's so cheap. You get what you paid for. I played it for 2 weeks and haven't touched it since then. :|
I play it moderately often, about 2 or 3 times a week for an hour or two. I say it's worth it, because well I got it for 10 bucks with the silver version. I estimate that I have played it about 100 hours total and most of those hours were pretty sweet, the community is nice and the game is fun while it is fresh. Then like all games it becomes too repetetive and you need to change games.