Is my Desk to distractive? / Post your desks...


Jan 7, 2005
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I was trying to clean up my desk on the weekend, but i couldn't take myself to throw anything out, so it stays in this state.

Desk in Question.

Please note this is not my whole desk, only the space that is used for pens and books to rest on.

So do you think she needs a clean?

And yes, i hate those curtains.

And i know this might be a 'stuipd' thread, but i'm too tired and bored to bother.
not really, they just hover around my desk.
The Pokemon used to have the finger sticking over it's head, and the swamp is well a swamp, looks cool.
I've seen worse. Jeez my own desk is worse than that. Well technicly it's more of a table, a very crappy table.
That desk makes me think you are female, and if you are not female, you are a very feminant male. Am i right or am i right?

-Hectic Glenn
You have so much useless crap there. My desk gets messy, but at least most of the stuff actually have uses.

Like that little orange thing at the bottom-left, the green tree, the yellow truck thing, the thing wrapped in tin-foil, the white thing in the middle that looks like a toilet overflowing with s**t. Useless.
Ooooh, Stalingrad, very good book :E

And yes, it's too distractive. I'd spend half an hour simply reading the stuff what's on your desk
ya i love looking at other peoples crap, dunno why...

but i couldn't take myself to throw anything out

not even a paper drinks umbrella?:dozey:
I got 2 cups, a angry nun toy, baby buddah mini statue, 1.40 in canadian, a mini radio/flashlight,a printer, a candy wraper (crunch bar), my wallet, a joystick, and thats all.
My desk is messy as hell, but it's all papers/cds/games/two ethernet cards/lighter fluid/a pencil sharpener. Mostly computer stuff, but a few random other things.
The only thing that's on my monitor is a stuffed monkey.
I just start to get a clutter of junk that keeps on going, but i'm finid most of it hard to work with. When i'm doinf work on my laptop it's ok but as soon as i need to write something it's too annoying.

To the bin, but not the books, tree and Warhammer Orc!
Kamikazie said:
two phones? why do you need TWO phones?
Was using one, black one, it wasn't loud enough when I talked to my friend..*i was trying to date i needed to accomidate to hear her.* but then the white phone stopped working for no reason..and went back to the black phone. Have yet to remove.

Any other questions? :D
giant384 said:
LOL is that your underwear thats hanging on the lava lamp
Yeah, it was a hotties that lived above us. She moved out, but she left that in the laundry room. I was happy :D
Good god you people are messy :|

Mind you im not much better :D
Lucky to know i'm not the worse!

Shippi: Does your cat always try to jump up onto your desk when you're using the computer, or do you try to make it use the computer when you're out?
evilsloth said:
Lucky to know i'm not the worse!

Shippi: Does your cat always try to jump up onto your desk when you're using the computer, or do you try to make it use the computer when you're out?

:LOL: My cat jumps on my shoulders/lap/keyboard when I'm at the computer. Silly kitteh