Is Sapphire a good branch...

Saphire is a good 3rd party source, as they have been on the ATI camp for as long as ATI has been doing anything other than 1st party (IE ONLY ATI MAKING ATI CHIPSET CARDS) they did this to compete better with Nvidia. It worked!!! So YES they are very decent ;)
Yep and if you shop around you can get them pretty cheap too, and their worth it.
Just make sure its 256bit memory and not 128, or you will seriously cripple the performance!!!
DJ_Cheeba said:
Just make sure its 256bit memory and not 128, or you will seriously cripple the performance!!!
gotta check that, tkz (i showed a link)

EDIT- hmm, its 128mb... dude, the 256 is like twice as expensive!! for that money i would push a little further and buy the XT!! plus, i've seen some benchmarks, and the fps diference is almost non existing... especially when i only play at 1024x768

EDIT2- oh wait, you said 256BIT... hmmm, they don't say anything about that... damnit why does it have to be always something to complicate things?
No no no, not the actual onboard memory, your right about that the 128mb and 256mb cards are about the same performance. The XT is a rip off! ! ! I was talking about the 256BIT memory, thats the actual memory bandwidth. If its cut in half, the performance will be crippled as a result. Get the Saphire card, you will be pleased!
Tarkus said:
gotta check that, tkz (i showed a link)

EDIT- hmm, its 128mb... dude, the 256 is like twice as expensive!! for that money i would push a little further and buy the XT!! plus, i've seen some benchmarks, and the fps diference is almost non existing... especially when i only play at 1024x768

EDIT2- oh wait, you said 256BIT... hmmm, they don't say anything about that... damnit why does it have to be always something to complicate things?

He means memory bandwidth, not size :)

And to my knowledge, all 9800 pro's are 256 bit, only the 9800SE's are 128.

I've got the Sapphire too btw, good card, but its said that their fans have a habit of breaking down, but that is the case with all brands, not just Sapphire.
PvtRyan said:
He means memory bandwidth, not size :)

And to my knowledge, all 9800 pro's are 256 bit, only the 9800SE's are 128.

I've got the Sapphire too btw, good card, but its said that their fans have a habit of breaking down, but that is the case with all brands, not just Sapphire.
can i get some confirmation about the all 9800 pro's habing 256bit?? i also thought so, but i'm no hardware wiz (but aspiring to be one of them someday :))
Dude, can I tell you I have been working in the industry for 6+ years and at only 24 years old there is one thing I can tell you. You are never truly a "GURU" because once you think you know EVERYTHING, everyone else just passes you by. Plus there is always someone who knows more. . . Dont feel bad, just keep learning :)
DJ_Cheeba said:
Dude, can I tell you I have been working in the industry for 6+ years and at only 24 years old there is one thing I can tell you. You are never truly a "GURU" because once you think you know EVERYTHING, everyone else just passes you by. Plus there is always someone who knows more. . . Dont feel bad, just keep learning :)
lol, of course i don't wanna be almighty in that direction...that would suck (no more things to learn), but at least knowing more than i do atm..what about the 9800 pro's all having 256 bits (as in no 128 bit variable), can i get some confirmation?

of course i will be please, i have a fx5600...lmao
they don't say anything about the memory bandwith, how can i be sure (besides asking the guy)
Sapphire pulled a stunt a while back where they released 9800pro's with 128BIT(!) :P memory without labelling them as slower than the 256BIT(!) :P ones. That is fixed now, if it is a 128bit one, it will have a big sticker on it saying that it is slower. Just send the guy a mail and ask if it is a 128bit or 256bit version. It will be worth the hassle, instead of sending it back and all that. :)

Almost forgot, i have a sapphire radeon 9800pro and it is sweet. Runs all games as they should be run.. :D
sapphire are pretty much the best 3rd party sellers for ati. however, just because they are the 'best' doesnt mean you shouldn't shop around a bit. look for connect3d, hercules, asus etc or even ati itself....JUST DO NOT BUY POWERCOLOR CARDS!!!! THEY ALLLLWAYS HAVE A PROBLEM (mine had corrupt memory ffs!). i did some price browsing and found that connect3d offered one of the cheapest deals. mine's fine.
the only thing that bothers me in the whole process is that i'm not going to the store in person, and i dont wanna bomb the dude that goes for me with questions that he might not understand... i dont shop online, thats why i made this thread, that radeon9800pro is the only one i can find in any store were i live... and i really dont wanna screw up like i did when i got this fx5600.. so, 256bit is the only one that's worth buying, ok, i'll see what can be done (perhaps there aren't any 120bit left, wich would make it all easier)

EDIT- my thanks to all that participated in this thread, you guys rule
dude! dont get the 128bit bandwidth (and i dont mean the name ie 9800pro '128mb'). it will cut the performance to a 9600xt and ull b waisting your money. get the 256bit bandwidth. then ull be happy like i am:)
DJ_Cheeba said:
Dude, can I tell you I have been working in the industry for 6+ years and at only 24 years old there is one thing I can tell you. You are never truly a "GURU" because once you think you know EVERYTHING, everyone else just passes you by. Plus there is always someone who knows more. . . Dont feel bad, just keep learning :)

Isn't that the crappy thing? LOL Just when you think you know everything about a (insert item)....5 new products hit the market which completely change the way you have to learn about them.

But that's also kinda the fun of computers: it's never boring and you can ALWAYS find something new to learn about.

And that's a good point...there's always someone who knows more and that comes in mighty handy during those times when you don't want to burn up a $500 item.

Too many people with too much pride out there...nothing wrong with saying: "You know, I just don't know about this. Do you think you can help?" Not only do you get help, but you've also learned something new...two plusses just for asking for help.
could someone please check the link in the first post and see if it is a 256bit?? they didnt say, but some of you might recognize something i'm missing
welcome to the high detailed speed world my friend, i just ****ing love it. i think ill go burn my fx5600, now where did i put my matches...
tkz ya'll, i won't be burning my fx5600 though, i have good memories with it, besides, i'm giving it to a friend
lol i was joking, i also gave it to a friend as he knew where he could sell it. cant believe i fell into nvidia's now ati all the way, unless the new nvidia card drops prices to around £150, then i MIGHT buy it :)