is the ESRB playing favorites?


Jun 14, 2004
Reaction score
I know, this happened a few months ago (the rockstar GTA San Andreas scandal). But think about it! The ESRB changed the rating from Mature to AO, forcing everyone to pull the game from the shelves and effecting Rockstars profits. Also, the content they based it on was only accessible through a patch that Rockstar didn't even create or even endorse. Now if the MPAA did that to, say... a huge movie title like Star Wars 3, George Lucas could probably sue them and most likely win. Yet, Rockstar has to bend over and take it.

Even the ESRB admits THEIR RATERS DON'T EVEN PLAY THE GAMES. All they do is look at a few trailers and clips from the game! Not to mention all this viewing of footage costs the companies 2,500 dollars for each time they submit the game.
the esrb is run by the gaming industry, they police themselves

rockstar willingly pulled the rating becuase they faced a congressional hearing and that would have made national headlines

oh and dont kid yourself Lucas would never sue because he'd never make a game that had questionable content ...he self-censors which in my opionion is far worse ...his movies are kiddie fodder with little to no adult content (not meaning violence, just thematically)
still, the testers SHOULD play at least 25% of the games themselves...
but it's no different than the model hollywood uses ..they send the footage that may be questionable to be judged whether it should be censored ..rarely do they give out a rating after the movie is made (it just costs too much money if they have to reshoot scenes) in effect reviewers only see bits of a movie they're censoring
john121 said:
still, the testers SHOULD play at least 25% of the games themselves...

For me the system they have is just fine. Send footage of the most questionable content and the context it is in, and fill out tons of forms about your game. There is really no reason for them to actually play a game. They would have to have a huge staff to playtest all the games coming out nowadays.
Yeah, but at least they would understand it better.

I guess the system works fine now though.
maybe if they went with johns idea, some of the "good" (:naughty:) games could get out on the market

Kamikazie said:
maybe if they went with johns idea, some of the "good" (:naughty:) games could get out on the market


Completely off topic, but I thought you were gone.
well im back for a day or two because i did some make-up work, so eh i thought why not spend the night here and go party tomorrow

party at your place? hope it's not a BYOB type though, most people bring the cheapest kind to drink... LOL