Is the GeForce FX 6800 GT AGP card any good?


Sep 18, 2004
Reaction score
Hi I was just thinking about upgrading my system as I'm getting low frame rates and shitty quality in all the new games. I was scoping the new GeForce 6800GT. I currently have a GeForce FX5200 , a AMD Athlon XP 2500+(1.8ghz.), 512mb of ram(DDR 400), have I think a 300 watt power supply and a Asus A7N8X mobo. I was just wondering if this would improve my frame rates and would be worthwhile even though I have a lower end processor. I read somewhere on the net that the processor isn't that super important but I was wondering if it would be worth my money to get a new video card. I would hate having a super video card and have my processor to slow to process it all smoothly. I know ram will increase my overall speed so please don't just say buy more ram. It's low frame rates and butchered high quality graphics that is my concern. I'm already thinking of picking up another stick of ram anyways. Thanks in advance for your help.
I have it. Upgraded from an ATi 9800 Pro.
If you want to get a 6800gt though you'll processor looks like it might bottleneck it a bit, but not too much.
And I dunno if your Power Supply will be ok with it either, since it requires it's own line (not recommended to use a shared line comming from the PSU).

Looks like you should wait a bit for more of an upgrade. Better CPU, more RAM, and new vid card.
yeah in fact I have to give it tis own line now since because of it my floppy drive doesn't get any power..... So far the card is running ok not great but ok. I have a althlong xp 3000+ ~2.2ghz 512 ram
your CPU would bottleneck it somewhat, but it would still be a TREMENDOUS improvement. And it is indeed very good. But you'll need at least a 400w PSU (probably higher than that) to run it.