Is the L4D SDK coming soon?


Dec 3, 2008
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This has probably already been already asked and covered, and if it is, delete this thread.
But I can't wait for it to be released to see the awesome custom maps people will make.
Does anyone know some sort of release date for it?
Or does it just get here when it gets here?
Seeing as were so late in the year and nothing has been said, I'd say we'll get the SDK update next year.
Hmm thanks for the vids Gordon Shepard,
I might get some of those maps :D
Goddamnit that Ep1 underground level looked awesome. The fact that it wasn't RIDDLED with zombies at every turn really made me jump when the first zombie suddenly appeared out of the darkness a few minutes later. The darker atmosphere is brilliant and it makes me wish L4D was a little more flashlight based in places.