Is the recoil in this game too much?


Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
it's almost impossible to get a controlled spray because the gun jumps around so much when you pull the trigger. this is basically the opposite of every other fps i have played, in which you can control your spray. it throws me off whenever i play this game after playing any other fps and was wondering if anyone else felt that the recoil was too much in this game. it seems like the key is to memorize where the opponent's head will be and keep your crosshair at that level, rather than actually having to aim
Pre-aiming is your friend. Oh, and burst firing.
Keep sights at head level. Spot enemy. Stop. Aim at head. Pop-pop. Headshot. Repeat.

or with the ol' shotgun:

Run. Spot enemy. Aim above waiste. Fire. Jump. Fire. Duck. Fire. Jump. Repeat until room is clear.


It's not a simulator...
If anything it's too little. You can just spray with most rifles and as long as you keep aiming down a bit you can still be fairly accurate. And the mp5 is just ridiculously good....
I'm glad you don't play 1.6. The recoil in that is about 10x as much as in CSS.
dekstar said:
I'm glad you don't play 1.6. The recoil in that is about 10x as much as in CSS.

You sure? I was under the impression that Valve only made slight changes to recoil, but overall remains nearly identical. The main changes I believe were the way ping affected the hitboxes.
The recoil has to be controlled, if you do that, its not that hard to aim.
AiM said:
You sure? I was under the impression that Valve only made slight changes to recoil, but overall remains nearly identical. The main changes I believe were the way ping affected the hitboxes.
Well everyone's got different views on how much Source has changed from 1.6.
With me, it's not just the ways VALVe have imposed different rules (AWP QS, Silence-Switching, The shotgun spread, etc.), but every time I play Source then 1.6 (Or go surfing) the AK seems far more recoiling to me. Also there's that thing where you stop moving if you get shot in 1.6 - That pisses me off no end.
dekstar is right. The recoil in 1.6 is really tough to deal with sometimes. 1.6 is much harder than Source. If almost anyone can get an AK in Source its headshots all over the place.
One thing is certain - shooting and hitting in CS:S is weird. Today I had one of those worse days - getting headshotted right after encountering an enemy, getting panic headshots (that's what I call those situations where you start shooting an enemy, it realises you're there and in panic shoots in your general direction and headshots you). I saw a guy spraying into a box and headshotting a guy standing 1 meter to the left of the box.

I won't be surprised if tomorrow I will own, have little recoil (or so it will seem) and hit where I shoot.

Take BF2 for example - of course I have better and worse days, but shooting, hitting and recoil seem always more or less the same.
bryanf445 said:
nah i think its fine, but you gotta get used to it
This is generally what it comes down to. No matter what anyone says about Source - It isn't easy for 'noobs' to own on their first game. If that were the case then really all scoreboards would be thereabouts even.

Personally, I think 1.6 and source should be treated as two seperate entities, not the same game in transferred engines.
Unfocused said:
One thing is certain - shooting and hitting in CS:S is weird. Today I had one of those worse days - getting headshotted right after encountering an enemy, getting panic headshots (that's what I call those situations where you start shooting an enemy, it realises you're there and in panic shoots in your general direction and headshots you). I saw a guy spraying into a box and headshotting a guy standing 1 meter to the left of the box.

I won't be surprised if tomorrow I will own, have little recoil (or so it will seem) and hit where I shoot.

Take BF2 for example - of course I have better and worse days, but shooting, hitting and recoil seem always more or less the same.

QFT, one round I will have a K:D of 3:1, next it's a K:D of 1:3...
CS:S is extremelly random when you start shooting fast, even when you burst it loses control in a hurry. With a M4 this is most obvious, you fire it a bit and then wait a bit- the crosshair is still coming back and if you burst again it's considerably less accurate. The ak-47 isn't as bad, but it has it too and if you shoot when it's de-stabalize it will be very funky.
Source uses a different netcode compared to 1.6, Source tries to balance out the playing field so those with higher ping aren't playing at a disadvantage. The end results in what appears to be wierd hitboxes but in actuality it's just the server compensating for both your ping and the target. In a nutshell, what you actually see happening is not what's happening to the server, while you may be behind a wall the server hasn't updated yet and if you get shot, it'll count as if you got killed even though you appear to be behind a wall... ugh I'm bad at explaining this.

Source Netcode Explanataion
AiM said:
Source uses a different netcode compared to 1.6, Source tries to balance out the playing field so those with higher ping aren't playing at a disadvantage. The end results in what appears to be wierd hitboxes but in actuality it's just the server compensating for both your ping and the target. In a nutshell, what you actually see happening is not what's happening to the server, while you may be behind a wall the server hasn't updated yet and if you get shot, it'll count as if you got killed even though you appear to be behind a wall... ugh I'm bad at explaining this.

Source Netcode Explanataion
whereas 1.6 just stops you dead in your tracks if your client gets hit so the server can work out if you were actually shot or not :p

Note; The above is not true at all.
I hate the player animations in 1.6. They are so retarded.
DrunkPanda said:
it's almost impossible to get a controlled spray because the gun jumps around so much when you pull the trigger. this is basically the opposite of every other fps i have played, in which you can control your spray. it throws me off whenever i play this game after playing any other fps and was wondering if anyone else felt that the recoil was too much in this game. it seems like the key is to memorize where the opponent's head will be and keep your crosshair at that level, rather than actually having to aim

Try DODS. Then complain about recoil. :p
Heh play 1.6 for even leeter recoil.

Source is for nubs.
"Source is for nubs", ROFL.
I agree with Solaris. I'm a nub, and I play source. COINCIDENCE?! I think not!
Want to know why CS:S is so wierd? Yahn decided to code some new net code for Half life one sometime after release, from then on all hell broke loose. The quake world netcode owns in comparison.

Lagcomp is shite in todays age of dsl, how come I take shots when around a corner and we both have 50 milliseconds of latency?

As far as server ticks go there are variables that are able to move backwards to previous ticks, basicly perfoming actions that happened in the past, hence the shot around corners thing.
^Ben said:
Quakeworld netcode :lol:

Sure you'd lag your arse off with 400 ping but you could kill things and things could kill you. Rather than this whole dial up optimization when we has DSL for christ's sake.

I'm a clanner as is. Was ranked 20th and challenged 17th in the Game Arena ladder down here. Then the genious idiot of a founder left and got us kicked off the ladder. Co-founder and everyone else wants to kill him now.

^Ben said:
It's not the game engine or netcode stealing it away from you.

Funny how it is. Especially with servers that specify a max rate of 30000. Do some research into Yahn's code.
Stop blaming you missing a shot on the netcode, and then read up on the lagcompensation and go into the SDK(there is alot of it there for you to read)
I'm not blaming anything. Did I ever say I sucked at CS? I'm pretty damn good and proud of it. As for lagcomp that things bloody hidious.

I only complain when I get no hits what so ever. I swear you can get the most bogus random events ever on occasion. That's burst firing at close range with a rifle. I have a demo lying around somewhere 45 in 3 after spamming 30 bullets into an awper, standing right next to him.
I don't think you actually realise what lag comp actually encompasses.

And I would like to see that demo, all the years I have played and developed I have not seen that.

And if the lagcomp was as bad as you say it is, why is the 1.6 community not up in arms about it?
Kyo said:
I have a demo lying around somewhere 45 in 3 after spamming 30 bullets into an awper, standing right next to him.

What likely happened there was the server was slow sync'ing up with the both of you. On your screen you seemed to have been firing forever but the server was slow getting information from both you and your target. It likely determined that you died and thus never took into account all the firing that happened after you 'died'.
The awper swung around in a slow arc and shot me once. Anyway most games use one form of lag compenstation or another. It justs seems really evident in Source games compared to others. Everyones probably experienced a bizzare event happen in any online game.

All in all it comes down to servers not being able to "trust" clients in anyway as that would expose us to altered packets.