is there a glass ceiling for women in America?


Nov 24, 2006
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I just wanted your opinions on if there really is a glass ceileing in America for corporations. I feel that in some ways, there is not any such thing. As an example, my company's president is a woman and she has accomplished a LOT for herself and hasn't let anything get in her way. Then again, I've noticed that some women are afraid to ask for raises and promotions because they either feel they will not be liked or think that they wouldn't get it anyways because they are a woman. (something to think about, at my store there are only 2 males, that includes every shift!)
i took the post title way to literally and now im saddened
So what do you keep in the floor above? A big aquarium?

If you put in some pink fish that should keep the women happy and hopefully all that water will remind them of kitchen sinks, where they belong!
Apparently there's sexism at my mom's work (she says the men assume she's stupid because she's a woman and so they ignore her), which is weird because I thought sexism was over like 20 years ago. Maybe they're just being paranoid?
It could be sexism, or it could be blondism. Is she a blond?
Well I believe there are only 12 women CEO's for the top 500 companies in america, if that says anything.
Nope. And I forgot to add, that was only when she first got the job, now she's pretty much the most indispensable worker there (NO.)
Anyone who has been in business knows that it is more about who you know than what you know. And business is still and old school game. Most important men trust other men more than women. It's the way the last generation grew up.
Whenever you hit a glass ceiling at a workplace, it's in your best interest to move on. There are so many places to work, you can even start your own company!

I hit a glass ceiling at my last workplace, but recently I've found a much much better job where vice-president is the only limit & they encourage personal development and advancement. AWESOME workplace; just too bad it's in Michigan, because it's FREAKING COLD here.

Sometimes the only way to move up is to move sideways (to other companies).
which is weird because I thought sexism was over like 20 years ago.

There were laws passed that gave women more rights so they wouldn't have to tolerate sexism, but that doesn't change people's opinions. Like racism, it's far from over.
Glass ceilings, sure they are everywhere. Then again, sometimes people just have to quit or die before you can move up, unless you just want some meaningless title.

Is there sexism? Sure.

Is it totally dependant on the individual people involved? YES.

Does this make the thread title misleading? Yes. A proper title would be "Do some people like to prevent woman from succeeding?" to which the answer would be a simple yes. Is it a conspiracy? My gosh, no.

Woman in my experience, are JUST as sexually biased.