Is there a motherf**king cure for the "stutter bug"?


Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
I've crashed TWICE in thirty minutes because of this "stutter bug" and its really annoying me. Tell me, how do you expect me to enjoy playing Episode Two if I constantly crash?

Any fixes or anything?

See attachment for specs.

Surely my ram won't cause it?


It's infected Episode 1 for over a year, and Valve have done nothing about it. If it's in Episode Two/Portal, then I'll definitely feel ripped off.
Theres nothing to do, its the fact that your memory cant load up the materials and models as fast as others, thus stuttering the game.

512 ram is considered as old and unstable in 2007.

Get another 512 stick. Thats what im planning to do.
Happens to me still sometimes with 2Gb of PC3200... There's no escaping it, you can only ward it off with defragging, turning off autosaves, and maybe also taking steps to reduce heat (in case it's also linked to an overheating isue).
Also, if you tell me youre trying to play on High settings with 128mb card/512 ram... :laugh:

Im having no problems with medium mtrls mdls. Gameplay is better than eye-candy.