Is there a place I get free good web designs?


Mar 16, 2007
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I really need to know..

i predict someone will say something stupid
.. I am asking for site names..
and thx for upholding my prediction..
You mean a domain? Or a design FOR a domain.

If its the latter, see Space's answer.
If you don't know how to design a website, then you really have no business owning one.

I mean, FFS, with all these WYSIWYG editors storming the market, it's impossible to not do it. I mean, the WYSIWYG editors won't get you the same creative and intuitive designs coding by hand will, but it's still something.
for god sake, i do have some basic design skills. all i want to know are some good sites to get them as some of those free ones online are really good. ah, forget it..just let this thread die..
The one you stated 1 hour and 13 minutes after he posted? It does tell the time of the edit you know ;)

He also made his second post in the same minute as his edit to the first one. CAUGHT! LIAR!
Maybe he noticed a spelling mistake.

If you want a decent, professional looking web design, you will have to pay. It's a fact, it's much too much hard work trying to create a full website for it to be free. :-(

Good pay though :-)
for god sake, i do have some basic design skills. all i want to know are some good sites to get them as some of those free ones online are really good. ah, forget it..just let this thread die..

Then why don't you make one yourself?

If you use a template, then your site will end up looking generic.
Dreamweaver's not that expensive is it? And I know even my brother can use it. If you can use photoshop, just cook something up in that and use the slice tool. There's millions of tutorials ( out there which will help you.
Dreamweaver's not that expensive is it? And I know even my brother can use it. If you can use photoshop, just cook something up in that and use the slice tool. There's millions of tutorials ( out there which will help you.

You just gave him a solution that will cost him close to $1000 done legally. I do believe he said he wanted them for free ;).

In addition throwing something together in photoshop and then slicing it up isn't as easy as you make it sound, you should try it some time.
Oh, I've done it before. It's perfectly fine as long as you've used Photoshop before. Works wonders.

And I was actually assuming he already had photoshop :p