Is there any way to play with :(


Mar 16, 2007
Reaction score
Seriously, I have never had a game before. In all the official gaming sessions (New Year's Day) I couldn't join because people are usually outside having fun on such days. I am a member of tf2 group and I have gone into the chat-rooms many times over many periods of days and times and I never seen any presence of tf2 games.

Also, the few games are ALWAYS in UK Servers, which produces the worst ping for me, and probably alot of others (400). Maybe we could have someone initiating some official games like twice a month or something? Once every 2 weeks so we all can play? Well..
I'm not sure of how good of a ping you're going to get anywhere being in Asia. :/
Go into our Steam chat room, we usually join games together when we see other people playing. Me Samon, Chi, Greenbunny and Pi had a great game the other day.
You see, soulslicer, you never spend enough time in the chat. No wonder you haven't had a good game.
I should join the Steam chat more often. I was just under the impression that nobody went on anymore.
Mmmmm big BF2 games with members.

I fkn hate you. I've been wanting to reinstall and play that game recently, and then you go and say that. *I guess I'm doing it.*
I should join the Steam chat more often. I was just under the impression that nobody went on anymore.

When I join chat and hardly anyone is on, I invite a bunch of people who's name I either recogonise from the forum or have a [] tag infront of their name.

Then the chat gets going.
I'm in a bad timezone, so almost always there's like 2 people online, and one of them is sure to be Idling Pi.
Mmmmm big BF2 games with members.

I fkn hate you. I've been wanting to reinstall and play that game recently, and then you go and say that. *I guess I'm doing it.*

Dear God those nights were ****ing amazing. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, goddamn it, I wish I could find my BF2 key.
Also, the few games are ALWAYS in UK Servers, which produces the worst ping for me, and probably alot of others (400)

I'm in a bad timezone, so almost always there's like 2 people online

I echo these statements, perhaps the asia-pacific region members of should get together in chat one day and choose a random server with a good ping to join together. I nominate the 8th of Feb at 8am GMT, if enough people say they are interested perhaps somebody with power could add it to's Steam events?
Would be awesome if we could all flood a server, and just jam out. Oh god, that would make THE best night EVER.

TIME FOR THE OBLIGATORY "Watch the best video of bf2 here";4589009;/fileinfo.html

Imma go watch it again.

I watched it here just recently and came at the memories. I really want to make another video some time. I haven't made a video game movie since Simple Pubbing 3 and that was like four months ago. The BF2 videos were made with Windows Movie Maker, so me with Vegas should turn out with much better quality.

By the way, Steam chat is a big waste of time. Everyone is just spamming and you can't get anything accomplished.
I echo these statements, perhaps the asia-pacific region members of should get together in chat one day and choose a random server with a good ping to join together. I nominate the 8th of Feb at 8am GMT, if enough people say they are interested perhaps somebody with power could add it to's Steam events?

I was just about to suggest something similar. I'm in.
Ahhh, just played a long few hours of BF2. I miss that game so much :(
I've seen the link before but I had never bothered to download it until now and I'm really glad that I did :D. I especially liked the bit where a jet is used to bridge a bridge allowing a truck to pass over.

You have no idea how many takes it was for us to actually get that right. :p
Did you post it yet? I don't see anything new in the event calendar for both and the TF2 groups.

I usually check the Steam chat room for about as long as it takes to see if anyone's playing before joining a server. I'll play a little today actually.

Also, do you get random invites for friends/groups from people you've played with recently? I'm sketchy about adding them.
Did you post it yet? I don't see anything new in the event calendar for both and the TF2 groups.

Who me? I don't have the permissions to but since your the 5th person who thinks that this is a good idea I'll PM some of people who can.
You have no idea how many takes it was for us to actually get that right. :p

This. It took forever for the guy hovering the jet to get it perfect. Otherwise, the jeep would just slip in between the bridge and jet. Also, where the guy is standing on the jet as another flies by and kills him... so many times both jets hit and sent his rag doll flying. :P
I've sent some PM's hopefully we'll see this on Steam soon, note that I've changed the time slightly to 9am GMT. Asia-Pacific TF2 Game Night

This event is designed for the members who have a high positive time zone who are missing out on the events/servers organised by our lower time zone counterparts (of course if you are still up when we start feel free to join in).

The idea is to meet in HL2.nets steam chat channel on Friday the 8th at around 9am GMT, find a server and start playing. If you come in late just enter steam chat and use the list of members there to find our game.

Forum Thread:
This. It took forever for the guy hovering the jet to get it perfect. Otherwise, the jeep would just slip in between the bridge and jet. Also, where the guy is standing on the jet as another flies by and kills him... so many times both jets hit and sent his rag doll flying. :P

That was me in the buggy + the one that got bombed while I was waiting for a fun knife fight. >< What's funny, is I respawned, jumped in my jet, and flew at your guys, and nose dived...but you guys all quit RIGHT before I hit. I was sad :(
It's up thanks to Samon, hopefully we will get a good enough turn out.
I'll be crawling around Node with tags for sure. Hopefully get some good numbers :)
We might not be on Node servers, but since they normally have good pings it's a good bet. If there are enough people we might just join an empty server so watch out for a server full of [] tags ;)
Right guys, it was only set as an announcement before, changed that too an 'Event' now so should show on the Steam Community header now, as well as providing a reminder when the time comes. Let me know if it's not fixed fully.
Sweet, thanks Glenn. Steam works out the timezone stuff for you and displays the local time for the event which is nice.

Although I just noticed that the link to this thread is broken.
It reads as 1am Feb 8th, for my Timezone. Is that right? :/
We might not be on Node servers, but since they normally have good pings it's a good bet. If there are enough people we might just join an empty server so watch out for a server full of [] tags ;)

Considering Node have the most TF2 servers I thought it just made sense.

It reads as 1am Feb 8th, for my Timezone. Is that right? :/

Add however many hours for your time zone. Around 6-7pm where I am for example. Steam times are not correct for us you might notice that if you check up. According to steam it's still the 4th for example.
Add however many hours for your time zone. Around 6-7pm where I am for example. Steam times are not correct for us you might notice that if you check up. According to steam it's still the 4th for example.

Well that's just a maddeningly obvious oversight by Valve. Why shouldn't time be corrected for location/timezone when not everybody lives in Seattle? Or is this a separate problem with the system?
Server's full. I want to give it a try despite high ping, so I'll queue a while.
Well I had fun. Was top of the server for most of the time when we started, soon as we hit Granary I got bored though :( I had a few good spy runs on Well/2Fort. Most hilarious part, I managed to kill the heavy two medics were healing quickly retreated and popped back out as a soldier. They both begin healing me and follow me all the way to spawn where I stabbed the buggers. Add me as a friend if you haven't already I play quite often.
I had a good time too.

Got the flukiest kill on you Avoidist. It was on Granary a crit rocket hit behind me and flew me forward towards a pack of blu's, in mid air I fired in the general direction of the enemy with my own crit rocket. You had just gone in to heal someone and ran straight into it. :)
I would have loved to play with you guys the other morning, two problems, I was at school and my TF2 was nacked for a lot of that day, ok now though :P

Can we schedual another?
Well if the next one is next Friday I can't make it so somebody else would have to get it going. I think the day and time worked out fine so it would be a simple case of PMing some powers that be with a new date. A new thread would probably be a good idea too.